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I knock on Pablo's front door. Soon the brunette boy opens it. "Hola?" He says. I smile at him. "Hola..im here do get Mariana, we're supposed to go get ice cream?" I say. He nods and lets me in. "She's getting ready, you can wait in the living room." He tells me. I nod and follow behind him.
"Mariana! Marc is here." Pablo shouts plopping down onto the couch. I hesitate to sit down feeling as if the older boy doesn't exactly want me here.
"Are you ready for the new season to start?" I ask, trying to make conversation. "Yeah..you? Xavi wants you to train with us?" He asks back, not moving his eyes from the screen. "Yeah..I'm pretty excited but nervous." I tell him. The older boy looks over at me. "Yeah, I know how you feel. My first day with the first team was terrifying but try not to worry, everyone there is amazing and will make you feel welcomed." If im being honest, i appreciated his words a lot. It's been my dream to make it to the first team and now i actually have my chance. "Gracias." I smile softly. Pablo is about to say something else but gets cut off by the sound of Mariana coming down the stairs. I stand up and walk over to the girl. She wore black cargo pants and a white tank top paired with her new balance 480s. Her hair was down and she wore her usual jewelry. "Hi, baby." I whisper to her, wrapping her into a small hug. She smiles up at me, wrapping her arms around my waist. "Ready?" I ask, pulling away. She nods then turns to her brother. "I'm going home after." She says walking over. The boy nods at her but doesn't say anything. I watch as Mariana frowns slightly before she leans down and wraps him in a hug then whispers something into his ear then comes back over to me.
"Adios, Pablo." I say over to him. He looks over. "Adios."

I grasp her hand in mine as we start making our way. She looks up and me and removes her hand from mine and replaces it was her arm hooking onto my arm. I tuck my hand into my pocket at the same time holding her close to me. "Marc." She calls my name. I look down at her and hum. "Would you go watch Barbie with me? When it gets released?" She questions. "Sure." I say without another question asked. "Really!" She says happily. I laugh at her reaction and nod. "If you really want me to go then I'll go." I assure her as we walk. The girl slightly leans into me saying that I'm the best.
"Does that mean you'll dress up with me?" She asks, a hopeful look on her face.
I quickly shake my head. I will not be dressing up in all pink to go watch that movie. Her smile falls slightly but she shrugs. "Yeah, pushing my luck." I chuckle at her comment.
Soon we make it to the ice cream shop and get our ice cream before heading back outside to sit in a bench.
"Want to have some?" She holds out cup of Rocky Road. I hand her my cone which was plane vanilla with sprinkles.
I take a bite of her ice cream. "It's good...but not better then mine." I says taking mine back.
She smiles at me and we keep eating our ice cream in silence. I move my left hand onto the girls thigh, gripping it slightly as I pull her closer before moving my hand around her shoulder.
"What do you want to do after?" Mariana asks looking over at me.
"Whatever you want, amor." I say. She thinks for a bit.
"Podemos ir al centro comercial? It's like 2 blocks from here." She says.
I nod. If one thing that both of us loved was getting new clothes or accessories. "Vale..I want to get new shoes." I tell her, she gently slaps my thigh excitingly. "Me too!" She laughs together as I lean my head down on her for a second.



I sit down on the bench as I watch Marc look through the wall of shoes. He grabs ones from the very top and holds them out for me. "estos?" They were a pair of white dunks. "They're nice." The boy examines them for a few more seconds before walking over the a worker asking them if they had it in his size before coming back and placing the shoe in its spot and taking a seat back next to me.
"We should get matching shoes." The boy says to me. I shrug. I've never been one to enjoy matching, maybe it could be because my mom would make me and Pablo match as punishments growing up or because I see too many people making fun of it on TikTok. But I made some exceptions.
The worker walks over to us and hands Marc the box of shoes. I watch as Marc thanks the guys before he asks him. "Do you happen to have these same shoes in a women's 37?" (6.5 US, 4.5 UK) The worker says he'll go check and Marc pulls out the shoes to try on.
"Just to see if you'll like them..you don't have to get them." He tells me quickly tying the shoe on then standing up to look at them in the mirror.
"They look good." I say, looking up at him from my spot. The worker soon comes back over and hands Marc the box of shoes. "Thank you." Marc tells him as he walks off.
He opens up the box, taking out on of the shoes, untying it then handing it over to me. I take the shoe in my hand and examine it. I've never owned Dunks, I personally preferred Air Force 1s and New Balance 480s but these shoes don't see to be much different. In fact if you really think of it, it could be a mixture of both. I slip the shoe on and stand up next to Marc, looking at the shoe in the mirror. I'm extremely picky when it comes to shoes if it's not noticeable. A shoe can look good, but if i feel or think it's doesn't on me, I don't buy it, just like anything else.
"They look cute on you." Marc tells me, placing his hands on my shoulders as he stands behind me.
I stare down on my foot moving it slightly trying to test the comfort. It's seems fine. The shoe looks good. I look up at Marc and as if with that one look he already knew.
He kisses my cheek then sits down taking off his shoe and placing it in his box.
I sit down and do the same thing but before I was able to even close it, Marc takes it from my hands.
"My gift to you." He practically shoots up off the bench.
I shake my head and laugh slightly as I put my original shoe back on. I would protest but his only argument was that fact that he made more money than me and that means I can pay next time, which I didn't mind.
I watch as the boy waits in line to boy, my mind drifts back off to what my brother had said. Maybe he was right and I shouldn't do things that could get me in trouble just for Marc. But that's on me, not him? I'm frustrated because Pablo claimed that Marc manipulates me. Marc! The boy who is standing in line with a smile on his face because he gets to buy us matching shoes. The boy who is agreeing to go watch Barbie with me. The boy who always says. "Whatever you want" and can't go 10 minutes without complimenting me. That's boy is manipulating me?
I internally groan regretting the fact that I didn't say stuff like this then and there to my brother's face, yet again he was pretty upset this morning and I wasn't in the mood to argue.
I could go back but I already asked him to forgive me and that would be petty.

"Estas bien, amor?" I look up to see Marc approaching me with the bag of shoes in his hand.
I nod a small smile on my face as I stand up. "Claro que si." I chuckle. Marc smiles down at me and takes my hand in his as we start to make out way out of the store. "Thank you, for the shoes." I tell him.
"anything for you." He says bumping his hip into me causing me to stumble slightly.
I chuckle and bump him back, expect mine barely made him move.

A/n: i personally think they are cute

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now