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"Amor...can I do your makeup?" I ask the boy whose head was resting on my should as he scrolled through my TikTok.
He shakes his head and looks up at me from his spot.
I pout my lip at him and give him the best puppy eyes I could do.
"I'll do what ever you want for a week?" I try and convince him.
Marc chuckles at me but then nods his head before pushing himself to sit up.
Excitedly i jump up and wrap my arms around his neck, clinging onto him. The boy laughs and holds me, his arm wrapped around my waist.
"Te amo." I say, leaning down to press multiple kisses to his face.
"Yo más." He says placing a quick kiss to my lips.
I push off of him and make my way for my makeup bag. Bring it back over to my bed where I start to pull all products that I need.
I grab my head band, placing it on his head to push it long messy hair out of the way before I start to prime is face.


"Do I look pretty?" The boy asks as I try and line his lips.
I giggle to myself and grab my lip gloss. "Claro que si, mi amor. El más guapo del mundo." I tell him putting the red tinted gloss on.

I close and drop the gloss bag into the bag and I grab my phone to show him how he looks.
The boys smiles widely at his reflection. "I look dumb." He laughs.
I wrap my arms around him and crawl onto his lap, straddling him. "You're pretty." I tell him. He shakes his head and pushes his lips again mine.
"No more than you." My cheeks heat up slightly and I try and hide my face into his neck.
"Get this off my face so I can cuddle you now." He says gently as he looks down at me.
"You're too cute not to cuddle."


"Ugh my baby is so cute." He exclaims pushing me down onto the bed, letting his body fall with me.
"Look at you." He smiles.
"My brace face."

I roll my eyes at the comment. "I can't take you seriously with the lashes...looks like you are about to fly away." I comment.

A/n: this is so bad and short..... but heyyyyyy it's been like 2 weeks? 🧍🏻‍♀️ sorry guys.
Please leave ideas I'm in DESPERATE need.

Perfectly Imperfect // Marc GuiuWhere stories live. Discover now