Chapter 32- Its All Gone.

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I woke up before Bey as usual because she was sprawled out on the bed in the starfish position and I was dangling from the edge. She does this every night and it's really beginning to effect my sleeping routine. In fact, she does it so much, a nigga be waking up with a sore back and a bad mood.

I tried to move her, but that failed. She just hit me and told me to leave her alone. However when I made an attempt to leave the bed to go and sleep some more down stairs on the couch, it was all 'noooo baby come cuddle with me.'

So how can I satisfy "leave me alone" and "come cuddle with me" at the same time?

I looked the clock and it said it was 8:15, and it was starting to get light outside so there wasn't much point in me going back to sleep or getting up yet. Instead I hauled my body on to beys to wake her up.

She released a long groan as I laid comfortably on her back as payback for being such a bed hogger.

"Babyyy wake up."

"ughhhhhhhh get off me." I lifted myself onto all fours above her and pushed her hair out of the way so I could kiss the back of her neck. She wants me to get off her? Fine. I'll get in her instead.

I unclipped her bra through the shirt of mine she was wearing and lifted it up so her curved back was showing. Then starting from the very top of her ass where her crack ended, I kissed right up to her neck.

Heavy sleeping ass. That didn't work so I tried kissing and sucking all over her skin but still nothing was effective. I started to believe there was really no way she was about to wake up.

"Bey are you alive?" I asked sitting up, slightly worried. She was breathing so I guess she was okay.

After continually trying another 5 minutes of kissing and sucking, I started to realise I was just doing it for my own personal benefit so I gave up and just kneeled with one knee on each side of her back.

But I wasn't just about to sit my bored ass down and WAIT for bey to wake up. I could do whatever I wanted to her body. But then, she's mine anyway. I can do whatever I want to her period.

Evaluating my options, I decided to spread her legs and just get int between them. Her bed was pretty big so if I were to lay down on my front with her big ole ass in my face, my legs were just slightly hanging off the bed.

I slid my hands underneath her panties, while still kneeling, and felt around her booty while I had the chance. We never have time to do this during the day.

I squeezed it, slapped it, rubbed it and kissed it, still not a peep could be heard. Her shit was so fat she probably couldn't even feel nothing. So, I took it one step further.

The black 'girl boxers', as bey calls them, were looking real tight and uncomfortable. What a good fiancé I would be if I took them off for her.

I leaned in and slowly pulled them down so that as soon as they were past her ass, it popped out in my face. Just where it should be.

Shit, I hope she doesn't fart in my face. Jesus Beys farts are like satan and iggy azalea in a scent. And they are silent too, you know them silent and deadly ones that you don't even know are their until they're poisoning the air around you. Yeah, that's what beys farts are like. She is way too comfortable around me.

Like a gentleman, I don't fart in front of her. It actually weird because some times she tries to convince me to do it. She says that if she has passed the fart barrier in our relationship I should too. It gets to a point where she some times gets a little offended because I dont fart in front of her. It's just foolishness. Talking about it represents the amount of trust in our relationship. Honestly I worry about my Feyoncé sometimes.

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