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Shawn put his hand on my thigh and our glasses touched then we both took a sip.

"Shawn I want you to meet my paren... My mama" he looked at me and bit his lip.

"Bey I don't know. I don't want them to make you choose because then I will lose you. I just know they finna hate me"

"But I'm sure if they meet you and realise you're a nice guy.."

"Beyoncé, I will meet your mama and your sister. But I'm warning you, if they don't let you see me I will still pursue you and I will stand outside your house until you come outside and take me back" I chuckled.

"Good. Get dressed"

"What? We are going now?!"

"Yeah I already called my mom and she knows I'm coming over." He looked at me and shook his head.

"You played me."

"Love you"

"Mmmmhm" I ran up behind him and tackled him to the ground. I sat on his stomach and put my hands either side of his head. "Damn bey!" He laughed.

"I said I love you"

"And I said mmmmhm"

"Say you love me"

"No" I pouted and got off of shawns stomach. I did my sad walk up the stairs and I heard him calling my name. I smirked to myself and went into the bedroom and started to change. I took off my shirt as shawn came running up the stairs. He came into the bedroom and walked behind me, putting his arms around my shoulders.



"Talk to me"


"I love you" I kept ignoring him and he was kissing my cheek after every word. After a while he started kissing my lips and feeling on my hips and waist. I didn't kiss him back and I was dodging his affection as much as I wanted to embrace it. He suddenly picked me up and threw me on the bed he climbed on top of me and stared at me. We do this thing way to often.

"You know I have to pick you up an throw you on beds too often" mmmmhm.

"..." I blushed but moved my face to avoid his eye contact.

"Beyoncé I love you."

"Mmmmhm" I turned the tables on him and he giggled.

"Hey c'mon don't make my own actions bite me in the ass, that's your job"

"Ew shawn I don't eat ass"

"Ew I don't either I was kidding"

"Ok good glad we got that established this is good relati-" when my mouth opened shawn kissed me and tongued me down. This time I couldn't resist and kissed him back. He pulled away and smirked at me.

" You are the most beautiful lady in the whole world and I am blessed to have met you. Like I said I would go to the ends of the earth for you and if you go, I will follow you. I love you Giselle." I was smiling hella hard right now.

"I don't care what my family thinks. I'm grown and I'm sticking with you."

"Now say you love me."

I shook my head. "I love you Corey." He kissed me quickly and got off me.

"When are we meant to be at your mamas?"

"Like now. Put on something nice."


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