Chapter34- The Key to the End.

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4 days later I was barely back on my feet, with only half the memory capacity I had that day. My brain went into hibernation temporarily and it took me a while to really face what happened. Jada was dead. Gone. My daughter was taken away from me. And on top of that Beyoncé had left me the night before.

Having had no human contact in over half a week, I had to just pray that nothing else had happened in the space of time that was blank in my memory bank. the last thing I was even able to strain to remember was doing my second line and smashing a second bottle of liquor open. From then on, anything could've happened and I wouldn't know.

I spent the rest of the week doing the only thing I could focus on- finding my child. Jadas mother was devastated when she found out what happened, and immediately took advantage of the fact that I was hurting too. I had to watch the paramedics wheel Jadas lifeless body into an ambulance, and listen to my daughter scream and cry for me. And what could I do? nothing. Nothing but stand there and wish it had been me in that stretcher.

8 hours of driving took me from Brooklyn to Pennsylvania where Jadas mom was holding Aaliyah hostage. I didn't go there with the intentions of getting her back; I knew it would never happen. Jadas mother was extra as fuck and now hates me even more than she did before. I didn't even get to the doorstep, she had cops just standing outside there. Ole buck toothed bitch.

Of course, that didn't stop me from sneaking round the back and checking on my baby, which I had every right to do. She was just sitting there, eating chicken tenders and smothering them in barbeque sauce. I just smiled. Now more than ever I was starting to see Jada in everything Aaliyah did.

Leaving that window and driving back home was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I could see in my childs face covered in sauce that she wasn't happy. How could she be? Her mother was murdered and her father cant be a father to save his life. As painful as It was, I had to accept that living with Jadas mom was what was best for her.

The next 2 days was spent building up the courage to get out of bed. I dared myself to call Beyoncé, desperate to check on her, but then I remembered how dirty she did me back at her moms place, talking all that shit. I had more important things to be worried about, and clearly she did too.

Despite trying to pretend Beyoncé didn't exist, I did make sure to ask Solange how she and the baby were doing. We caught up and she told me that she and Beyoncé had found out about Jada and stayed at home for the night to grieve. Although she was umming and urring a whole lot, seemed llike she was stretching the truth a little but I couldn't be bothered to press it.

The last day I spent at home by myself was the hardest. Having to clean up the house and prepare to go down to Roc Nation HQ was like digging my own grave. I knew I would be faced with a bunch of niggas throwing revenge tactics at me, and there was still Scrappy in the holding.

All I wanted at this point was for this shit to be over. No more drugs, hoes, defjam. I just wanna collect my daughter, tell Beyoncé I love her and jet off to start a new life somewhere no one will ever find me. There was only one way I do that.

Find the leader of Defjam and murk his ass.

The only way I could do that was to squeeze it out of Scrappy where his daddy is at. And that's exactly what I planned to do.



"Alright, patna'. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way." I began, looking at Scrappys face gushing with blood and covered in bruises. "I got one bullet in this barrel. I'm gon put it in, and spin it round."

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