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Yan Jingqi looked at the 1,000 people in a neat array, there was no resentment, no unwillingness, his eyes were calm and calm, not at all like a person who was about to die. It seems that Wei Yiming has done a lot of ideological work for them during this time, or rather, living in this difficult world, they have already had this awareness.

Yan Jingqi walked up to a high platform, took the megaphone and said: "I am Yan Jingqi, the president of the No. 7 Guild, and the person who will lead you to Yu Province this time, since you are standing here today, then I don't need to say more about the purpose of this trip, you should be very clear, I have only one request for you, obey the order, and I am here to promise you that I will do my best to bring you all back safely!"

Although the crowd did not cause any commotion, Yan Jingqi still felt the fluctuations in everyone's emotions. Although everyone had already heard that Team Wei would personally lead the team this time, everyone was still a little surprised when they really saw this mysterious president. This time, the Authority's tough decision, fools know that they are going to die, but since the president has personally stepped out, maybe he can really expect to come back alive.

Due to the large number of people, it is difficult to take care of the personnel if they gather in the base and then go together, and they are also worried that if someone instigates against the leader of the Authority in the process, it will ruin the entire plan, so the person in charge of each Authority has agreed on a place with the ten teams that will be commanded, and everyone will gather outside the city at the agreed time.

Yan Jingqi asked Ji Feng to prepare more vehicles before, originally to prepare for the future attack on other towns, but he didn't expect it to serve the Authority. Twenty-five barn-type trucks with iron sheets, five Hummers, plus Yan Jingqi, Wei Yiming and Le Xiao, a total of 1,000 people, not a single one.

When they arrived at the rendezvous point, Guild Seven wasn't the last, there were already seven teams in place before them, and coincidentally, the Thunder Legion was among them. This time, the person in charge of them was a man with a scar who looked to be about thirty years old, with a long scar on the left side of his face that looked a little hideous, and the whole person's eyes were a little perverted and rampant. It can be seen that this should be a very vicious person.

When the scar man saw the convoy of Guild Seven coming, he shouted directly: "Let your person in charge come and get the weapon, and give me the weapon to stay aside and stay quiet!" This mission is under my command throughout the whole process, no one is allowed to have an opinion here, who dares to have an opinion, go down to Hades to mention it!

Yan Jingqi nodded at Wei Yiming, and Wei Yiming got out of the car and walked towards the scar man with a group of people.

Scar Man couldn't help but squint his eyes and asked, "What's the name of the team?" "A person with abilities that is on par with himself, this team of people will have to keep an eye on it at that time, otherwise they will secretly use some hands and feet to destroy the mission, and there will be no good fruit to eat on it at that time.

"Guild Seven."

As soon as Wei Yiming's voice came out, the eyes on him suddenly became more and more. During this time, Guild No. 7 was famous in the Li Cheng base. I don't know where they got so many precious materials, and the shops of Guild Seven have been crowded for several days. Seeing the person in charge of Guild No. 7 at this time, he naturally couldn't help but take a few more looks.

The scar man raised his eyebrows slightly, didn't say anything, and asked them to take away the assigned weapons, but inadvertently glanced at Lei Yao of the Thunder Legion. Originally, Lei Yao didn't plan to come to this trip at all, but Han Ting calculated that if he didn't come, then his status as president would definitely be shaken. And after talking to Minister Li, he knew where the real target of the Authority was, there were a large number of people from the Authority, and after entering Yu Province to fire at the zombies, he would take his people to join the people of Minister Li of the Authority, as for the others, of course, they would stay to attract the firepower of the zombies.

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