chapter 009: what goes around comes around

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Miyagi nods in confirmation. Daniel looked at the man like he was downright crazy, stumbling upon his words before he could finally protest, "I don't think I can even fit in between the doors!"

"No worry about that."

Daniel places the can of soda next to your carved pumpkin, strolling his way toward Mr. Miyagi. He touches the curtain with uncertainty, pouting his bottom lip to get a better grip to bite down on it. "How do I put this on?"

"Have [Y/N] help you." Daniel turns to you, then to Mr. Miyagi. He grabs the costume out of the man's hands, then walks up to you with a whiff of struggle.

He shoots you a small smile, placing the shower costume down to lean on the table you were sitting at. You get off the chair you were once sitting on to stand in front of Daniel, reaching over him to seize the costume.

You and Daniel listen to Miyagi tell you he is 'going to be right back' in the corner of your ear, causing you to shout a focused, "Okay!"

You chuckle at the sight of Daniel lifting his arms when you place the costume over his head. "You look like a baby," you teasingly comment, earning a playful eye roll from the boy.

Daniel tilts his head lower to get a better view of your figure, watching you slightly bend your knees to buckle the strap around his waist. He tried his best to not constantly look at your lips, or the way your tongue faintly stuck out from how concentrated you were.

In a click, you realize you strapped Daniel in, backing away from him as you rested a hand on your hip.

"I guess you should get going. I don't know if you can get far wearing that on your bike," you remark.

Daniel sighs. "I guess I should," he mutters, although it was audible enough for you to hear. "But hey, ... don't say anything when I come back telling you I've had the time of my life and you should've been there," he manages to joke.

You scoff out a laugh. "Okay, Daniel."

He walks out of the building. Well— it took him a couple of times to get through the door but he was successful in leaving. You fold your arms, taking a deep breath in as you acknowledge you have about 3 more pumpkins to carve.

An hour had passed, and LaRusso wasn't feeling the dance. Ali confronted him thirty minutes into it, however, he didn't pay much attention to her—mostly humming yes to everything she said.

She had definitely noticed because it was hard to miss. She frowns, taking hold of her drink to steal a sip. "Look, I'm sorry about Johnny and his friends. They can be real jerks."

"You're tellin' me," Daniel murmurs, scoffing.

"What I'm saying is that we just have to be patient. What goes around comes around, y'know? Johnny'll get his payback. We just have to wait," Ali says.

"I can't wait to be there when that happens."

"Me too."

Her eyes then trail to a guy dressed up as a chicken, hurriedly tapping on Daniel's arm, she shouts, "Look at that guy!"

A smile finally crept onto Daniel's face. "Whoa!—wait—" His yell was interrupted with an egg splat straight into his head. Ali laughs at him. He lets out a courtesy laugh, however, he doesn't find it funny.

Daniel travels to the bathroom, running faucet water to wet his hand. He runs his damp fingers through his hair a few times, getting all the yolk out on the fifth try.

"Johnny!" A voice calls, causing Daniel to instantly stop and direct his attention to the voice. Slowly turning around, he sees a guy in a skeleton costume walking up to a stall as he continuously calls the blonde's name.

Johnny peeps from over the stall, holding his earpiece so he can hear his friend. They exchanged a few words with each other, however Daniel didn't care enough to make it audible. All he cared about was when his friend left the bathroom, and that's when he made his way next to a water hose lying in the sink.

He sneaks his way over to Johnny's stall, the blonde being oblivious as the music he was listening to had an echo. Daniel places the hose right about his head, walking to the sink to turn the water on before running out of the bathroom.

He could hear Johnny scream, "shit!" Which resulted in a chuckle to escape the boy's lips. He bumped into a couple of people, almost shoving them to the ground as he had no care about who he was pushing out the way.

Ali watches the boy in curiosity, screaming, "What's going on?!"

"It's coming around!" Daniel responds with a grin.

Ali returns the grin, knocking down the group of Cobra Kai's that was chasing Daniel onto the floor "Oops."

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