chapter 015: never thought to mention

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It was a known fact that there were numerous amount of family members on your mom's side— but wow. The number of people stuffed in your apartment was causing the room to heat up.

What made it worse is that your apartment isn't big at all. It shared just two rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. It took you by surprise when you learned how many people could fit in the small space. Especially with your little cousins running everywhere.

Some of your family stood outside the building to get fresh air, and you're debating on joining them. You push past the group of people crowding the door, hand just touching the doorknob before you hear your mom call your name.

You sneak an eye roll, then face to meet your mother. She had a recognizable expression on her face. The expression she always uses when getting ready to yell or scold. "Where are you going?"

"Outside, mama," you respond with a hint of attitude covering your voice. "It's extremely hot in here and I'm craving fresh air."

You and your mom never had the best relationship together. There was nothing wrong with her, but the two of you would never clickand it's not like you've never tried to get along with her— you have. Many times. She just didn't get you and you simply didn't get her.

It was the same with the rest of your family. There are a few cousins and aunties you love with all your heart and have a good relationship with, but of course, they aren't here tonight.

"You're not going anywhere, young lady!" She then accuses, "You think you can leave your cousins to go out with some boy, hm?"

"My cousins are five, ma," You argue back, "and there's no boy!"

A knock on the door interrupts the argument between you and your mom. Your eyes open wide as you realize nobody would knock on your door except...

You run to the door but your mother beats you. She opens the door in a swing to meet Daniel. He glances behind the woman to witness you huffing whilst rolling your eyes. Ms. [L/N] turns around to look at you with an eyebrow put forward. "'No boy' my ass," she mocks.

PRETEND, daniel larusso x readerWhere stories live. Discover now