chapter 013: focus on me

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That was the only time you wished you didn't live right beside Daniel. Reason one: once Lucille had dropped you off, you and Daniel shared one last glance before heading inside.

Reason two: you can't get him off of your mind and he was one door away from you.

You tried almost everything. You took a hot shower, drank some tea, and changed into comfortable pajamas, yet you still can't sleep. You wondered if Daniel was feeling the same, or was he peacefully asleep, not caring at all?

A part of you hoped it was the first option. Daniel has always had a temper—you know that—you took note of it months ago. However, you'd never figure it would affect you in any way.

You sigh, staring off into the distance as you are laid back on your bed. Impatiently, your finger taps down on your other arm. It was only 'till you turned your head to your right, seeing the pictures of you and Daniel on your dresser.

A groan escapes from your lips. You can't take it anymore. Suddenly, you hop out of bed. You would storm outside the house but your mom was asleep, and the last thing you want is getting yelled at by your mom at twelve in the morning.

You slowly open the door without a creek. Your back was faced as you sneakily closed the door, turning to unexpectedly meet Daniel.

He was also in pajamas. And from what appeared like, it didn't like he fell asleep either. Your eyebrows are puzzled, separating your lips to form, "Daniel? What are you doing here?"

"I live here."

A small smile enters your complexion from the familiar words. "Right," you murmur. The coldness of the night causes you to shiver—partially because you're wearing an oversized shirt and pajama shorts.

It begins to grow quiet. The two of you awkwardly stand there, looking at each other as the both of you wait for the other to pipe up.

"I couldn't sleep," you blurt.

Daniel nods. "Me neither," he relates. It's painfully obvious he wanted to say something else, yet he keeps rejecting his thoughts and remains silent.

A sigh falls from your lips, not bothering to protest any longer. You meet your door as you gently open it, however a voice causes you to stop midway.

"Hm?" You hum at the sound of your name, keeping your hand wrapped around the doorknob. You instantly feel embarrassed when you realize you responded too quickly.

Daniel's fingers trail up behind his head, nervously rubbing it. "I'm sorry," he lets out a shaky breath. Although it was almost unnoticeable, you caught it. "I'm sorry for acting shitty earlier. I was just upset at Johnny and blamed some of it on you. — but I know that isn't a reasonable excuse, and—"

"I forgive you, Daniel."

His eyes almost light up. "You do?"

You give an assuring nod. You hear a sigh depart his lips, a hint of relief in the breath. Your eyes flicker between the ground and Daniel's figure when he walks towards you, leaving a foot of space between you and him.

Thoughts were racing inside your head. It was the perfect yet worse time to observe his messy bed hair—how his black hair turned slightly brunette from the beam of the moonlight, and his low eyes screamed he was exhausted.

It was hard for your eyes to choose to stare into his or at his lips. You were nervous, truly. He looks down at you, and you stand there—frozen—anticipating him to do something.

You gulp. It wasn't audible, but you could tell by the way your neck moved. Your breathing stopped its regular patterns, also impatient as it waited for the boy to say something.

Daniel's gaze traces between yours and your lips. "Can I kiss you?" He asks. His tone was a mixture of desperation and need.

You stand there confounded, shocked by the words that left Daniel's mouth. You couldn't move a muscle, although you fill in the space between you and Daniel anyway.

His lips were warm against yours. The boy wasted no time to position his hand to cup your cheek, slightly tilting his head to kiss you better. He brushes his tongue over your bottom lip in a way to ask to come in—and you invite him.

You both pull apart in sync. His brown eyes look down at you in awe before hastily pressing his mouth against yours. Even though he was desperate, he understood to go at a slow pace, creeping his other arm around your waist to pull you closer.

Your arms were wrapped around his shoulder. One escapes to sneak into Daniel's hair. Unintentionally, you tug on it, a moan vacating Daniel's mouth. He pulls away to apologize, and you quickly shake your head. "I don't mind," you breathily respond before reconnecting your lips with his.

Daniel speeds up his pace—resulting in you and Daniel crashing into your door as the butterflies in your stomach overpower your balance. Neither of you separates from the kiss, and the once passionate quickly becomes messy and needy.

He roams his hands throughout your body, not quite sure where to place them. He finally makes up his mind and keeps them wrapped around your waist.

He bites onto your bottom lip before you both detach, heavily breathing as you both lock eyes. "I like you," Daniel lowly says out of breath. "A lot,

You were speechless. You open your mouth to utter something, but nothing could come out. The spark of the moonlight reflecting from LaRusso's eyes simply took your breath away.

"And I want to be your boyfriend," he continues, smiling at his own words with slight embarrassment. He's had his shares of partners in the past, yet they never made him feel like this. "I don't want to pretend to be with you anymore, the feelings I have for you are re—"

"Please stop talking," you beg out of breath, swiftly kissing him before pulling away. "I like you too, Daniel. I'll be your girlfriend."


"Cool?" You repeat confused, the grin on your face showing you aren't serious. "Just cool?"

Daniel nods. "Yes. Cool."

You giggle as you unwrap your hands from Daniel's shoulder and he does the same with your waist. You keep your eyes on him, your hand finding the doorknob that is behind you. "Goodnight Daniel," you say, quietly opening your front door to step inside your home.

"Goodnight [Y/N]."

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