chapter 012: Golf n' Stuff

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Daniel's mom had driven you to golf n' stuff—and it might've been just you, but you sensed Daniel wasn't in the best mood.

You assured the boy multiple times that you wouldn't judge or look at him differently for anything. However, when his mom asked if you knew how to drive a stick and Daniel had to step out of the car to get it started, it pushed him over the edge.

Now here you were, Daniel resting his head on his arm with a sour expression planted on his face. Lucille states that you and Daniel had arrived at the place, causing Daniel to waste no time opening the door.

He makes his way out as you scoot from the middle seat to the passenger, but a voice stops you from going any farther.

"[Y/N], what is that on your neck?" Lucille asks. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, not immediately getting the question until you place your hand on your neck, feeling a bruise.

Your eyes widen, and you notice Daniel's mood shift nervously. He taps his foot on the ground, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he anxiously gulps. "This? I uh— burnt myself earlier."

"With wha—"

"Ma, we have to go. You're wasting our time!" Daniel cuts off. You continue to step out of the car, making sure to touch up your hair so it can cover your neck.

"Okay. Remember Danny, I'll be back at eleven. Nothing before or after that. Make sure to be out here when I arrive."

Daniel nods, sneaking an eye roll before his mother drives off. You touch his shoulder in concern, questioning, "Are you alright?"

He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. He looks down beside you as he smiles. "I'm fine. Let's go and enjoy ourselves, yeah?"

"Yeah," you repeat more surely, also bringing a small smile. Daniel reached out for your hand before interlocking it with his, strolling towards the building as you suddenly query, "Do you play hockey?"

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