chapter 019: the gift

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Turning the sink off, you turn to set your eyes on your mother who is sitting on the couch, folding laundry. Today was one of those days and the only thing could do was moan and groan in irritation.

Daniel's birthday was tomorrow, and you still didn't have time to buy him a gift. You also knew he was busy—being that the all-valley tournament marked the day right after the boy's birthday.

You stroll out of your home, carefully holding the bowl of water as you try to make your way down the stairs. The closing of a door shuts behind you—and however not paying any attention or detail to it—a figure follows behind you. A figure you didn't have the patience to see.

He then had the audacity to walk next to you. "Hi, [Y/N]," Freddy greets with a smile. You scoff and roll your eyes, wishing you could run off but the bowl in your hand held you down.

"Hi," you flatly respond, clearly not in the mood for conversation. Especially with him.

You both make it down the stairs, and you head your way to the old crazy lady, Freddy wasting no time to trail behind you. You send the woman a smile before crouching down in front of the dog, positioning the bowl of water down.

The dog sticks his tongue out as you pet him, whispering baby talk in a higher pitch voice. Freddy stood behind you, folding his arms whilst he impatiently waited for you to get done.

You then stand up and turn around, almost getting startled as you completely forget about the boy. You roll your eyes once again when he begins to open his mouth, walking out of the way before he can utter a word.

"Can you let me talk instead of you acting childish?" He demands more than begs. You hurriedly make your way up the stairs shaking your head, telling him a simple, 'Nope.'

You were inches away from wrapping your hand around the knob that belonged to your front door, yet the specific set of words that left Freddy's mouth caused you to freeze. "Why don't you ever let me apologize? I'm trying to be better to you and you shut me out every time!"

You scoff out a smile at the ridiculousness of his words. You turn to face Freddy, finally admitting, "Because quite frankly I don't give a shit. You can leave me alone now." And with that, you open your front door to slam it.

"Who was that?" Your mom curiously asks.

"No one," you lie, heading towards your room but the interrupting voice of your mother results in you freezing in your steps.

"Oh well, I just want you to know that Ali called. She said something about going to the mall and wanted to see if you could come. I told her you can."

"You did?" You question almost in disbelief. "What about me helping you with laundry?"

"It's fine. Besides, I like you hanging out with people like Ali. She's a great role model."

You lift your eyebrows in light surprise at the opportunity of a lifetime your mother provided you. She never lets you go anywhere on laundry day—so this was a huge shocker. "Thank you, ma," you say before running towards your room, throwing on a pair of flare jeans and a simple white tee-shirt. About half an hour later Ali pulls up outside your apartment.

A group of smiles shot your way. Although you knew they deeply didn't like you as much, you smiled back at Ali's friends, even doing the most to tell them 'hello.'

The car ride was short, the trip to the mall making up most of the time. You and Ali's friends went to every store you laid your eyes on, and you stole the perfect chance to get your boyfriend a gift for his birthday.

A billion bags from numerous stores later, you end up in hopefully the last clothing store. You stayed outside the dressing room section, patiently waiting for the group of girls to leave.

A finger taps on your shoulder, causing you to divert your daydreaming onto the familiar blonde girl. "Are you going to get something?"

You poke out your bottom lip, it barely being noticeable as you shake your head in denial of the question. "No. I don't even think I have enough money for all this stuff anyway," you chuckle, lifting the large amount of bags you were carrying on your arm.

Ali frowns for a split second before her eyes light up after an idea. "Let me get you something. Tomorrow's Daniel's birthday, right?"

You furrow your eyebrows in slight suspicion, skeptical of what Ali is trying to get at. "Yeah," you confirm, "why?"

A slick smile appears on Ali's face as she suddenly grabs your wrist. You hastily place the bags down, letting the girl drag you around the small store in excitement—whilst you on the other hand were confused.

You both stop in front of a black Cabo dress. Ali giggles when you stare at it perplexed, quickly taking hold of it and forcing it into your hands. "Here! Go change," the blonde urges.

Your vision travels up and down the dress in your hands wide-eyed before shaking your head. "No, no, no, and no," you reject, "I'm not wearing this! His mom is going to be with us, are you insane?"

"It's not even that bad!" Ali attempts to convince you. "Plus, you can change into it if she leaves. Just try it on, please? Think of it as a second gift!"

You question, "How is this a gift in any way?" Ali shrugs however the smile on her face indicates something else. Your mouth falls agape once you realize, playfully smacking the girl on the arm. "You're gross," you laugh.

"Come on, [Y/N]! Try it on!" Ali insists. With a sigh, you finally give in.

A few moments later you were standing in the dressing room, looking at your figure through the mirror. The dress was somewhat silky yet that didn't stop it from perfectly fitting all of your curves.

Honestly, it looked pretty—though there was one problem. You turn to your backside, head peeping to still have your gaze on the mirror. You sigh as you pull down the dress for the fifth time from riding up your thigh.

"It's too short!" You shout from the dressing room.

Ali yells, "The shorter the better," resulting in you scoffing out a genuine laugh at her words.

Other than that, the dress wasn't as revealing as you were expecting. The only thing being fully bare were your arms—and almost possibly your legs. You open the dressing room to meet Ali and she quickly leans off the drawers of clothes, a grin planted on her countenance.

"You look beautiful," she breathes in small admiration. You cross your arms, mostly covering them because you are cold but also because of the uncomfortable feeling. "You have to wear this,
[Y/N]. You look amazing."

You softly smile, a bit nervous in your words although you manage to say, "Fine."

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