Meeting the family

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Louises Pov:

As we enter Saitos house I grab onto him arm scared about what might happen. "Louise theres nothing to be worried about were save here trust me". Says saito as he kisses my head. We sit down at the dinner table Mrs. Higaga gives us both tea. "Oh thank you i appreciate it". I say still holding onto Saitos arm. "Your most very welcome, now Saito where have you been for the last 3 years". Mrs. Hiraga asks. As Saito tells her I begin to feel like another presents is in the room, I turn around to find a girl around the age of 18. "AHHH MY LITTLE SAITO" Screams the girl jumping onto Saito. "GAHH, WHAT THE HELL HANNA"!!! Saito says while freaking out. "Oh i was so worried about you, but to be honest I kinda forgot about u teehehe" Hanna says while smushing his face into her breasts. "wow, real nice sis now get off of me before I hurt you" Saito says. "Oh poo poo, ooooo whos this girl is she your girl friend *wink wink*" Hanna says while grabing lousie. "AGHHH PUT ME DOWN SAITO HELP ME" I yell at the top of my lungs. Saito slaps Hanna. "Let her go Hanna and no shes not my girlfriend shes my wife" Saito say while taking me into his arms. "WIFE HAHAHA U GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!" Hanna says while laughing her head off. "If I was kidding would i be wearing a ring right now". Saito says. "Well congrats little bro". Hanna says while walks off. "Sigh im sorry about that lousie, thats my daughter Hanna shes a bit of a showoff but shes sweet". Mrs. Hiraga says. Now about you two...."

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