chapter 4

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Louise Pov:

"so what kind of world do you come from little louise". Hanna asks while we both walk through the crowded mall. "I come from Halkenginia I went to school at Tristain academy a school for magic." I say " really so how did Saito end up there?" Hanna asks while showing me some really cute tops. I stand there think what I should tell her, I felt that if I told her I was the one who brought Saito into Halkenginia she would hate me for taking her brother into another world. " well..... he went through a protal that I made". I say shyly. "WHAT THE HELL A PORTAL THATS AWESOME!!!" Hanna yells with excitement. " Louise I have another question for you. Hanna says slyly. Have you guys done it yet". "AHHH LIKE I WOULD EVER LET THAT DOG TOUCH ME BARF!!!!!" I yell at her. "Haha well I thought.." she started to say. "Well you thought wrong, now i thought we were here looking for some normal clothes for me to wear." I say with an irattaed look on my face. "Ohhhhh yea hahha silly me, im such a airhead." Hanna says while skippkng off.

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