chapter 12

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Louise POV
"What do you think?" I ask Hanna as I walk out the dressing room. "I LOVE IT!!" She shouts. I walk back into the dressing, I look at my reflection in the mirror. "I cant believe im getting married in Japan!" . I put my regular clothing back on and grab the dress.
"Thank you for buying me the wedding dress Hanna." I say. "Aww your welcome, Louise when exactly did Saito ask you to marry him?" Hanna asked with suspicion. "He asked me last night when we're home". I said blushing. Hanna didnt say anything else the whole walk home.
Saitos POV
"Saito!!!" Louise said as she ran into our room wrapping her arms around me. "Louise did you get the dress?" I ask picking her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist. "Yup, your mom took it to the cleaners to make sure it was clean before the wedding". She says smilling. Are lips inch closer as I go in for a kiss. Hanna opened the door. "Saito can I talk to you for a minute. She says in the middle of the door way. "Uh sure". I put Louise down and follow Hanna out the door.
"So Hanna what did you wanna tell me." As I turned around Hanna had this angry look on her face. "Saito!!! Why are gonna marry again you married her once isnt that enough!!" Hanna shouted at me. "Hanna you dont understand." I say getting up to leave. "Are you kidding me Saito!!" She yelled at me. And with that I left her room.
Louises POV
I lay on Saitos bed waiting for him to come back, the door slamed open and in came Saito with an angry look on his face. "Saito!!!?what happened?" I say sitting up. "Nothing." he says sitting down next to me. I sit on his lap look at him right in the face. "Saito tell me what did she say." I say with a serous face. Saito tells me what she said. "Saito its alright we shouldn't expect every one to understand why we're getting married again." I say holding him close to my body. "I know its just why does she have to be that way." He says holding me. "Saito why dont we go to bed tomorrow is gonna be a busy day." I say laying down. Saito puts his arms around me and we sleep for the rest of the night
(next day)
"Louise wake up." Saito says while kissing my forehead. "Huh, Saito why did you wake me up so early." I say rubbing my eyes. "Louise we're getting married today." He said rolling me over so that im on top of him. "OH YA.! I say sitting up giving Saito a kiss.
(Time of the wedding)
I stand in the church waiting for Louise to come walk down the Isle, every one I knew was here to celebrate with us. The big doors in the front opened up showing Louise waiting there ready to walk down the isle. As she made it to where I was I held her hands as we said are vows. "Louise I love you". I say right before we kiss making are marriage real. Every one cheered for us as we ran back down the isle and hope into a horse drawn carriage. "Louise I have a surprise for you." I say taking her hand leading her towards a house. She gasps in excitement. "OUR OWN HOUSE"!! she says jumping up and down hugging me. "I love you Saito." She says looking into my eyes. "I love you to". I say pulling her close to me kissing her.

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