chapter 11

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Siesta POV:

"Saito san time to get up." I say slamming the door open. "Siesta come back later we're still sleeping." Louise says while giving me a dirty look. I grab onto Saitos legs pulling him out of bed. "Hey!!! You have no right to touch my familiar." Louise shouted. "Oh Louise,you do relize we're in Japan and we cant use magic so he isnt your familiar any more." I said. "Oh ya, then why does he still have the mark. She said showing me his hand. The door slams open. "DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS." Hanna screams. We all went silent. "Now if you dont mind im going back to sleep. Says Hanna as she walks back to her room.
Louises Pov:
"Louise its time to eat lets go!" Saito tells me. "Im not hungry at the moment." I say walking over to the window. Saito comes in the room and walks over to me. "Louise whats going on your always hungry?" He asks. I turn to face him. "Im worried.... I understand now that we're in Japan I cant use magic so the mark the bonds us together isnt much use, now we have nothing bonding us together." I says while tears run down my eyes. I wrap my arms around Saito. "Louise were married that bonds us together." He says wrapping his arms around me. "Yea in Tristan, but not here in Japan so it means nothing." I say louder. "Its going to alright. He says conforting me. We will figure it out when the time comes, but for now lets go get something to eat then we can go take a walk around the shopping district." He says while guiding me to the kitchen.
Louise and I hold each others hands as we walk around the shopping district. I couldnt stop thinking about what Louise said earlyer about us not being married in this world. "Louise about what you said early, do you think if we got married here in Japan then we will have a permanent bond." I say holding her hand tighter. Louise looks up at me." Are you saying you want to get married again?" I take her into a store and we hide in one of the dressing rooms. I kiss her as we fall to the floor. She pulls back from the kiss. "Im taking that as a yes, and Saito we cant do it here in a store." Louise says blushing. We get back up and head home.... to be continued!!!!

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