chapter 8

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I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping outside and Saitos arm around me. "Saito. I whisper. Are you up." I poke his head but he was sound asleep. "That dog thinking he can sleep in when ever he wants, todays a busy day." I say while getting out of bed to get dressed. I head over to the closet and pick out one of my new dresses Hanna got me. "Hehe todays gonna be wonderful I cant wait!" I say while prancing around our room. " louise, why are you up so early its only 8:00 am go back to sleep." Saito says while rubbing his eye. "But Saito todays gonna be a busy day, dont you rember we're going to the beach." I say as I jump on him to wake him up some more. "We're only going to the beach you dont need to wear a dress, normally people wear bathing suits." Saito said while trying to sit up. "Oh thats right Hanna did say you wear bathing suits at the beach." I say bashfully. "Anyway come on Saito get up we need to get to beach before it gets busy." I say while shaking him.
(Meanwhile at the beach)
"I LOVE IT SAITO, the water, the sand I love it all!" I say while dragging Saito closer to the waves. "Wow." I say while bending down to touch the water. "Hey louise wanna go surfing I brought my surf board?" Saito asked. "Sure..." I say not knowing what I got my self into. "Make sure you hold on tight to me ok Louise." Saito says while we stand on the wobbling surfboard. "R-right". I said while wrapping my arms tight around Saitos bare chest. "Here we go!!" Saito yells as we ride the waves of the ocean. "Ahhhhhh!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I start to lose my grip on Saito. "Ahh Saito im slipping. "What did you say Louise. Saito said while turning around to notice I wasent there. "LOUISE LOUISE!!!" Saito screams before diving into the ocean to save me. I couldnt see anything it was all black but I knew Saito would come save me like he always does.
"Louise, Louise please open your eyes. Saito pleads while laying his head on my chest. It was starting to get dark as the sun was setting. I put my hand on his head. "LOUISE!" Saito gasped. He pulled me up and gave me a hug and a long kiss to tell me he was glad I was safe. "Louise I was scared I lost you." Saito said as tears ran down his face. "Hey Saito, why dont we walk down along the beach while the suns setting. "I would love that." He said while helping me up.
As we both walk down the beach Saito stopped. "Saito are you o-." Before I could utter another word he kissed me under the moonlit beach. I wrapped my arms around him smushing his body up to mine. The tide started to come in so we started to head back to the sidewalk. "Saito I dont think I can walk anymore my legs hurt will you carry me. I asked him with a pouting face. He sighed. "Of course." He put me on his back as we walked back to the house. When we got back I had already fell asleep on Saitos back . he gently layed me down on the bed and snuggled up next to me as we sleep through the night.

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