chapter 7

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Saitos Pov:

It was 8:00am and Louise was still asleep, I know what your thinking I should have gotten up and just let her sleep. Well that wasent the case here, Louise was sleeping ontop of me and I couldn't ignore the fact that she looks so cute when sheep sleeps. "Saito.... Saito.." Louise whispered in her sleep. "Oh Louise." I say pushing hair out of her face. "Saito.. dont leave me Saito." Louise said in her sleep as she grabed me wraping her arms around my body. I wrap my arms around her comforting her and she was sound asleep dreaming about me. Louise opened her eyes to see me right in her face. "Yawn, good morning Saito." She says while laying her head back down on my chest. "Good morning Louise, I was thinking maybe we could go on a proper date." "A date?" She asked. "Yea, so where do you wanna go for our 'first' date.? I asked her. " I know lets go downtown to all the shops!" She said smiling. "Then its a date." I said as I kissed her forehead.
"Come on Saito hurry up." Louise called out to me. It was a sunny day a great day to go on a date with my favorite girl. "Im coming im coming." I say as I run to get to her. "Look Saito its a puppy." Louise said while pointing to a dog in the pet shop. "Heh cute." I say. The next place we went to was the mall since Louise insisted we go. "Saito what do you think about this dress." Louise said as she came out of the dressing room. "Its beautiful on you". I say to her. I loved seeing her so happy with a smile on her face.
"Thank you for the wonderful day Saito." Louise said while hanging onto my arm. " Louise I wanna take you some where before the day is over". I say. I take her inside a cave and as we reach the back of the cave it looked out over the ocean. "WOW. its beautiful Saito." Louise said with a blushes face. I put my arm around her as we look out at the ocean. She puts her head on my shoulder, I lean back and so does she. I wrap my arms around her bringing her close to my body. I look down at her and go in for a kiss. She snuggles up next to me putting her head to my heart. We lay there for hours just enjoying each others company and every once in a while each others kisses too ;)

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