chapter 6

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Louise POV:

"owwwwwwwww!!!!! I sceam in pain. That hurts dont make it so tight!" " I have no choice your so tiny if I dont tie it tight the kimono will fall down." Hanna say while tying a bow on the back. "There done, so what do you think?" Hanna asked. I turn around to look in the mirror to see my self in a black and pink sparkling kimono. "I-I love it!" I shreik with delight, I give Hanna a big hug not thinking what Im doing.
Hanna and I walk into the living room, as I enter I see Saito waiting for me in his blue and white kimono. "Wow Louise you look amazing." Saito says while blushing. "D-dont stare so much!" I say blushing. We grab each others hands and walk out the door to go watch the fireworks .
As we walk to the park to see the fireworks Saito sees some of his old friends. "SHANE, ANTHONY, IAN, FELIX!" Saito yells out to them. "YO where have u been man we missed you!" Anthony said. "Yea we thought you were dead." Felix said as he pated Saito on the back. "Oh sweet Saito you finally got a girlfriend!" Shane said excitedly. "Shes actully my wife." Saito said. "WIFE!" They all said. "Eh... nice to meet all of you." I said nervously. "So Saito lets all hang out at the fireworks show?" Ian asked. "Hell ya ive missed you guys!" Saito said. Saito grabed my hand as him and his friends ran off. "Ahh Saito slow down I cant keep up with you guys! I screamed. "Saito....SAITO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. It was starting to get cold and the fireworks were starting, I didnt know where Saito was, I was all only. "Saito why would you do this to me." I mummbled as I cried. "LOUISE, LOUISE THERE YOU ARE!" Saito yelled as he ran over to me and picked me up holding me tight in his arms. "SAITO how dare you leave me behind and alone to!" I said with my arms crossed. Saito put me down. "Have you been crying?" He said while wiping my tear stained cheek. "M-maybe and if I was you woudnt care." I say "Yes I would, Louise I care about you, the boys and I have been looking for you!" Saito explained. The fire works started. I looked up at Saito "I love you." I told him. "I love you to Louise." He said. Saito grabed me pulled me close to him and gave me a kiss. As we kissed I could hear the fireworks off in the distance and Im glade I could enjoy that moment with Saito.

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