chapter 9

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Saitos Pov:

"Saito stop moving the phone all around I cant see what your doing." Louise said while sitting on my lap while I play my video games. "GAME OVER" "AGH!!!!!! Louise your making me lose my concentration." I say angrly getting up pushing Louise off my lap. "Ooof! Hey what was that for, its just a stuipd game." She said as she at on the floor with tears in her eyes. I dont pay attention to her as I try to finish the level. "FINE I SEE HOW IT IS ILL JUST GO THEN!!!!" Louise said as she stormed out of my room. ( a few minutes later) "I did it Louise I finished the level!!! Louise???" "Yo hanna have you seen Louise anywere?" I asked "actually ya I saw her a couple minutes ago storming out the door, her eyes were all red and puffy like she was crying." Hanna said. "Oh shit!" I say as I run out the door in search for Louise.

*sniff sniff* "Why is Saito so mean I dont get it??" Louise mumbled as she sat on the ground. " my my my what do we have here boys heh." Said a strange voice. Louise got up " w-whos there?" She asked. "You here alone girl!" Asked one of the strange men. The 3 men had black jackets on. "We wont hurt you hehe" the men said as they come closer to her.
'Jeez where could she have gone off to' I thought as I ran through the streets of japan. "AHHHHH HELP SAITO HELPPPPP!" That voice! "LOUISE!!"
"AHHHH DONT TOUCH ME!" Louise screamed as the men tryed to grab her. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER !" I scream running towards them punching one of them square in the face. "SAITO! Come hurrt while there still unconscious". Louise yelled while running towards the main streets.
( At home)
"Im sorry louise I really I am. I say while holding her close to my body while tears run down both our cheeks. I shouldnt have igrnored you and let those men grab you." " alright now you saved me." Louise says while caressing my hair. We pull away from our hug. I look into her eyes. "Like I said before ill always protect you for ever and always." I tell her while giving her a kiss. I pick Louise up I slowly lay her down. "Saito." Louise says quietly. I lay on my side, Louise turns over to face me. "I love you Saito" she says pressing her self up next to me. I bring her close to me. "I love you to."

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