chapter 5

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Saitos Pov:

"WE'RE BACK" Hanna sang as she walked through the door. "Welcome back, louise did you get anything new." I ask "Ughh dont even start about the type of clothes they have here in japan, its disgusting!" Louise complained. "Ha well your gonna have to get used to that little louise!" Hanna said while giving louise a slap on the back pushing her towards me. "Loiise show me what you bought." I ask. "Really.... you really wanna see." She says nervously. "Then if you wanna see get out of the room." She demands.
As I wait outside my room I start to wonder what Hanna bought her, just as an outfit came into my mind I got a nosebleed. "Alright.... you come in." Louise says. As I open the door I see louise standing there, she was wearing a school girl outfit with her hair up in pig tails. "Louise you look beautiful." I say walking over to her. " you... you really think so.. I mean its kinda reveling." Louise says. "Louise do you think we can start off where we left before you left". I ask grabing onto her waist. "W-Wait Saito I....." Louise hesitated. Before she could say anything I kiss her and hold her close to my body. "LIKE OMG GUYS" Hanna says while barging into my room. "AHHH WTF HANNA ever heard of knocking." I say angrly as i shield Louise. "Oh hahaha I didnt know you guys take things this far already, anyway theres gonna be a fireworks show tomorrow night and I have some outfits for you guys, so you wanna come?" Hanna asks with a big grin. I look at Louise she looks back at me. "YES!" We both say at the same time!

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