Chapter 15: What do you even see in him?

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Ari made it back to the others; they were still in the same spot before.

Sugar noticed him, she smiled widely, "Ari! We were wondering where you went!" She greeted happily.

"Oh, nothing much, just got kidnapped again." Ari shrugged.

Sugar squinted her eyes, "Who's that-?" she asked.

"The guy that kidnapped me." Ari glanced down at him with a smile.


Kiren turned around, he recognized the obnoxious yelling, "Maverick-?" He said in surprise.

"ORANGE BOY?!" They stared at each other, both frowning

"We're not keeping him, Ari," Kiren said flatly.

"Why not? He knows all about this 'villain' we're looking for, perhaps he can tell us some information on her," Ari explained, trying to persuade them to let them keep him. He thought of it as being a child, begging his parents to let him keep a dog. He chuckled at the thought, "Plus, he can't do any harm." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"I AM VERY HARMFUL, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" Maverick squirmed around some more, trying to escape Ari's grasp.

"Then why aren't I dead right now?" Ari tilted his head. Maverick fell silent.

Sugar groaned, "I guess he can come along with us. He doesn't seem like a threat." She shrugged.

"SERIOUSLY?!" Kiren shot her a look, "WE'RE KEEPING THE PERSON THAT KEEPS TRYING TO KIDNAP US?!" He threw his hands out in front of him, staring at Maverick.

"That's in the past." Ari chuckled, "I'm sure he feels bad about kidnapping us, right, Maverick?"

Maverick only scoffed, "FEEL BAD?! OF COURSE I DON-" Ari shot him a look, making him shut up. "I feel remorse for my actions, and I promise I will never kidnap you guys again," Maverick muttered, folding his arms.

"Wonderful! That settles it then!" Ari's smile widened. "If I put you down, promise you won't run off." He glanced down at him. Maverick gave a quick nod. Ari gently placed him down onto the grass, and before he could say anything else, Maverick scrambled up off of the ground and made an attempt to speed away. Ari grabbed his arm, his reflexes being far too fast for him. He pulled him back and picked him up again. He threw him over his shoulder with a sigh, "You promised, Maverick, breaking promises is a very rude thing to do," he said as if he was talking to a child.

Maverick groaned, "UNHAND ME, YOU FOOL!" He yelled angrily, kicking his feet in the air.

"I don't get why we're letting him stay, really," Mugi mumbled, "I don't understand what you see in him. After all, he's quite ugly as well." He scoffed, folding his arms.

"Hush, Mugi, I'm sure you can't even see what he looks like," Ari retorted, eyeing him. Sugar's jaw dropped; everyone went silent. The only thing that could be heard was the giggling of Sugar and Kiren.

"That was insensitive," Mugi muttered, a bit embarrassed.

"It was intended to be!" Ari said happily.

"By the way, Ari, where'd you get those clothes?" Sugar asked.

"Well, after you guys completely ruined my other pair, Maverick gave me some of his," he explained.

She stared at the two boredly, "So... is he your 'enemy', or your boyfriend?" She asked sarcastically.

Maverick's eyes widened, "HE IS MOST DEFINITELY MY ENEMY!" He yelled.

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