Chapter 35: Ticking time bomb.

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Sugar woke up, looking out the window. It was still nighttime, she looked over at the clock.


She sighed heavily and glanced over at Sharlet, who laid next to her. She had a bad feeling in her stomach, but she just decided to ignore it. Outside of her door, she heard small footsteps. It sounded as if more than one person was there. She groaned before burying her face in her pillow, trying to fall back asleep. She just assumed that it was just a few of Agnes's workers running around during the night. Sugar let out a heavy sigh and laid down on her side, staring at Sharlet. She placed her hand firmly on her shoulder and began shaking her lightly.

"Sharlet, wake up," she mumbled tiredly. Sharlet grunted and rolled over, turning her back to Sugar. "Wake up or I'm pushing you off the bed." She shook her again.

Sharlet slowly sat up, "What? I was having a good dream," she murmured.

"Can we go check outside?" She asked.

"Why-?" Sharlet tilted her head to the side.

"I keep hearing people out there, and I have a bad feeling about it." She got off of the bed. Sharlet shrugged and did the same, walking alongside her to the door of their room. Sharlet slid open the door, peeking her head out.

"I don't see anyone," she mumbled and stepped out fully.

"Look harder, I swear I heard voices." Sugar scoffed, standing next to her.

"Maybe you have schizophrenia." Sharlet shrugged.

"Whatever." Sugar walked down the long hallway of the hotel, looking around. She heard the voices again, she could now tell it was three people, assumingly two boys and one girl.

"Shut up, Jasper," a quiet voice said.

"Yeah, your boots are making the loudest stomping ever," another voice chipped in.

Sugar heard a loud bang; it sounded like the stomp of a foot.

"Is that better for you?" The third voice said, they had a heavy Southern accent.

"Jasper, we said shut up-!"

"You're gonna wake them!"

"You're actin' like two of 'em aren't already awake."


"Look down the hallway, dimwit."

Three figures popped out from the corner, all staring directly at Sugar and Sharlet. One of them was tall, the other average, the last one being short. It was dark, so Sugar couldn't tell what they looked like before she was knocked out cold.

Sugar woke up, she felt herself lying down on some type of metal floor. She bolted up, realizing now that she was in a cage. She looked over, there was another cage similar to the one she was in, except it held Sharlet, who was still asleep.

"Sharlet?" She called out in a hushed voice. She wrapped her hands around the cold metal bars, peering out to see where she was. "HELLO?!" She yelled. A figure appeared; it was the tall one from before. She could see what she looked like now.

She was tall and slim with tanned skin. Her eyes were dark brown, complimenting her pure black hair that was tied into a high ponytail. She had abnormally long hair, her ponytail came down just below her knees. She appeared as if she was from East Asia. She wore a basic suit, similar to the one that Agnes was wearing. On her belt was a large knife, hanging from one of the hooks.

"Hello...!" She smiled slyly, walking over to Sugar's cage.

"What the hell are we doing in here?" Sugar demanded through gritted teeth.

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