Chapter 20: I want to love you. Normally.

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They finally made it up the stairs after a day's worth of endless climbing. They arrived at some kind of station-looking area but had no time to check out the place before they crashed on the floor, immediately falling asleep. Of course, Ari forgot to power off Maverick, so he was just left to sit there for the night. He glanced around anxiously; it was incredibly dark, and he swore that he kept hearing noises. He looked over at Ari with an unsure look, his slumbering body immediately calming him in the slightest. He slowly crawled over to him, trying his best to keep as low to the ground as possible, just in case someone actually was there. He laid down beside Ari, wrapping his arms around his waist, using his chest as a pillow. He listened to his steady heartbeat for the whole night, wishing that he could actually fall asleep. Though... cuddling with Ari definitely beats sitting in a corner, alone and scared all night. He smiled softly just thinking about him. Maverick wondered why he was so kind to him most of the time. After all, he has seen how Ari treated his other friends. We aren't friends, he thought, assuring himself. Surely not.

He knew that the whole 'flirting-thing' was just to get on his nerves. Surely he didn't... actually like him... right? When they kissed the second time he kidnapped him, Maverick knew that was just his desperate side taking over, and Ari just felt bad for him, so he kissed him. After all, he was programmed to crave someone constantly, it was a terrible feeling, really. Maverick shut his eyes tightly. Why was I made this way? Why couldn't I have been a normal robot, like one that cleans houses or works in an office...

He knew that what he did was his only purpose. Surely if Ari really did like him, he'd only use him for his body. After all, that was how he's been treated his whole life. No one really ever did care about him and his well-being. But that was just how he was programmed. After all, that's always been the excuse that people made for treating him the way that they did.

It was just how he was programmed.

Everyone woke up, one by one, but the first one to wake up was Ari. He was used to waking up so early, but no one really knew why. He shifted around before he opened his eyes, noticing that Maverick was clinging to him like he was holding onto him for dear life.

"Maverick.." he said softly. He noticed that he was awake, his eyes widening immediately. He quickly let go of him, scooting away in the slightest. Ari chuckled, "It's okay, Maverick, come back here." He opened up his arms, motioning for Maverick to go back to him.

"Um.." Maverick glanced around awkwardly before going back over to Ari. Ari wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling his face into his cold metal neck. His breath was hot against his metal exterior, "Ari.." he mumbled, "please power me off. I'm unbearably tired.." he whispered.

"But it's almost morning, Maverick... everyone's about to wake up.." He glanced at him before his eyes flicked back to his neck.

"I don't care, just carry me around while I'm asleep or whatever. Power me back on later, okay?" His voice got quieter and raspier, it was evident that he desperately wanted to sleep.

"Very well." Ari nodded and scooted back, unzipping the back of his shirt. He opened up his control panel, his eyes flicking between each switch. It always surprised him when he opened his control panel, he forgot each time the erotic contents that it contained.

"And... don't do anything while I'm powered off..." he muttered.

"Why would I do anything like that?" Ari asked in surprise.

"Sorry, I'm... not accusing you of anything, it's just... I'm so used to... y'know." He shrugged awkwardly, immediately regretted what he said.

Ari did nothing but pull him into a hug, "You don't have to worry about any of that, Maverick. I swear, I would never disrespect you in any way. I just want you to be comfortable, okay?" He whispered, making Maverick shiver. His neediness began flaring up, but he tried to ignore his desperation.

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