Chapter 26: The art of deception.

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Maverick could've sworn the smile carved into his pumpkin grew bigger.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way..." he said sympathetically.

"It's just... I can't believe it...! Why would Ari do this? He seemed so... nice-!" Maverick exclaimed. If he could cry, he'd be doing just that right now.

"I know, I know, he's a charmer..." August mumbled, holding out his arms.

Maverick hesitantly slipped into his large arms, hugging him. He was eerily warm, unlike Ari, who was always as cold as ice.

"If he tries to talk to you, don't respond at all, okay? Don't you dare respond," he said sternly.

Maverick nodded, "I won't..." he mumbled.


After a few hours, Ari finally made it back. It was noon, the sun had come up fully by now.

He placed the food he scavenged down onto the ground, "I'm back!" He said in a sing-songy tone.

"Wonderful, welcome back! I'm going to go out to check something for a while, okay? Bye!" August left without letting Ari get another word in.

He shrugged it off and walked over to Maverick.

"Are you alright? You seem tense..." he said softly, standing behind him.

Maverick shrugged, staying quiet.

"Did August do something to you...?" He asked, concern in his tone.

Maverick shook his head.

Ari firmly placed his hands on his shoulders, turning him around to where he was facing him.

"What happened? You're being awfully quiet..." he mumbled and inspected him.

Maverick stared at the floor blankly.

"Is there something wrong with your programming-? Did he mess with your control panel?" His tone got more frantic; he tightened his grip on his shoulders.

Maverick shook his head, still averting eye contact.

Ari grabbed his face, forcing him to look up at him, "What's gotten into you? Why won't you answer me?" He asked through gritted teeth.

Maverick jolted away from him, stepping back.

"Maverick..." he whispered, "did I do something wrong...?" He took a step closer to him.

Maverick desperately wished he was able to cry, he couldn't express his emotions in any other way.

"Please, I promise I'll fix whatever I did, just answer me..." he pleaded, staring at him with desperate eyes.

Maverick shut his eyes tightly, turning his head away from him.

"Alright then..." Ari mumbled. "If you want me to go, I will. I love you." He planted a kiss on his cheek before walking away.

As soon as he turned away from Maverick, tears welled up in his eyes. He tried to keep it together, he hated people seeing him cry. He walked out of the cave, and into the forest, just as Kiren did.

Maverick stood there by himself, balling up his fists. Before he could take out his anger on anything, August walked back in.

"I know it's hard, but it'll get easier over time," he said softly, walking over to him. He was standing out, beside the cave.

"I can't stand seeing him so upset..." he whimpered, fidgeting with his sleeve.

"I get it... you want me to leave you alone for a bit?" August asked. Maverick nodded. "Alrighty then... I'll be back in a bit, don't run off, 'kay?" He gave a reassuring pat on the shoulder before leaving.

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