Chapter 19: This is like leg day, but way worse.

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They began to climb the stairs, Maverick and Kiren were already complaining. They whined and whined until Ari and Malcolm got fed up with it. Malcolm picked up Kiren and flew up into the air with him. He stayed at the same pace with the others, just flying next to them. Ari picked up Maverick, throwing him over his shoulder. He kicked and screamed as if he wasn't just complaining about his legs hurting just a few moments ago.

Ari sighed heavily, "You're never happy, are you?" He muttered.


"You seemed pretty happy when I kissed you a few days ago." He smiled smugly. Maverick went silent, so did the others.

Kiren turned to look at them, "You guys kissed-? I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING GOING ON BETWEEN YOU TWO-!" He grinned widely.

"WE DIDN'T KISS!" Maverick's face reddened, Ari only shrugged. "You already forgot? I thought you'd remember it considering how ecstatic you seemed after we kissed." He chuckled.

"WE DIDN'T-!" He screamed, trying to jolt his way out of Ari's grasp.

"I suppose you did forget, do I need to remind you?" He smiled, getting a bit closer to his face. Kiren was practically laughing so hard that he couldn't breathe, Malcolm was struggling to hold him up in the air.

"Breathe, Kiren, I don't want to drop you!" Malcolm worried. He took deep, exaggerated breaths before laughing again. Malcolm's hands slipped, he dropped Kiren. He tumbled down a few stairs before hitting a wall. He groaned, shakily standing up.

Malcolm flew down to him, "Are you alright-?! Sorry I dropped you.." he mumbled, making sure he didn't get too terribly hurt.

"It's alright, little dude, it didn't even hurt." Kiren chuckled and walked back up to the others, it took a few moments.

"Welcome back, Kiren," Sugar said sarcastically, not necessarily caring.

"Hey," Kiren replied, "anything happen while I was gone?" He glanced around.

"You were gone for two minutes." Sharlet rolled her eyes playfully.

Kiren grinned, "That's a long time!" He walked alongside Malcolm, he decided not to complain... for now.

"Anyways, nothing's happening, just Ari flirting with Maverick." She shrugged, glancing over at the two.

"Not a surprise." He chuckled, also looking at them. Ari was holding him out in front of him, holding him by the waist. Maverick's face was bright red, also not a surprise. He was flustered incredibly easily.

"I CAN WALK BY MYSELF, WIZARD BOY!" He yelled, trying to escape Ari's grasp.

"Call me my real name and maybe I'll let you go," he teased with a large smile, not a surprise either.

"MAYBE?! LET ME GO, ARI." He groaned.

"Fine, I'll let you go." He dropped him down onto the ground, he almost started to tumble down the stairs, but he was blocked by Ari's legs.

"I DIDN'T MEAN LIKE THAT-!" He stared up at him, his eyes widening.

"Yo, Maverick's on his knees for Ari..." Kiren whispered to Sugar, she snickered. Maverick quickly stood up, hiding his red face with the collar of his jacket. Ari chuckled softly and walked behind him, blocking the way just in case he tripped.

About three hours passed, and they weren't even halfway up the stairs yet. Sugar groaned, sitting down on one of the stair steps.

"We're taking a break, sit down, guys." She motioned for them to sit. They all nodded and did as they were instructed. Sharlet and Sugar sat beside each other, Kiren and Malcolm sat about two stairs above them, Ari and Maverick sat a stair below Sugar and Sharlet, and Mugi sat above Kiren and Malcolm.

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