Chapter 6

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Yule Ball Shopping!🎀


I been getting distant from Ginny. But she hasn't gotten the hint. When Hogsmeade came around the four of us, Me, Ginny, Ron and Hermione went shopping.

on the ride to Hogsmeade she bothered me. Everything I said she agreed or always had a response.

She had her arms wrapped around my arm tightly. She kept on kissing my cheek. Once Ron fell asleep laying his head on Hermione's shoulder that's when I spoke.

"Ginny, do you mind not kissing my cheek every minute?" I asked calmy. She looked at my like if she was getting angry and confuse. "Uhm, why?" "Cause your doing it every second" I responded. "So please stop" I asked politely. She rolled her eyes and gave me a kiss on the cheek then pulled away.

Hermione gave me a look a confuse look on what was happening. Throughout the rest of the train ride I could tell that Ginny was mad and trying to ignore me. Staring out the window as if she was the main character. She seemed to get madder when I never talked to her.

"Were here wake up Ron" Hermione said slapping his head he woke up yelping. "Ouch Hermione!" He said rubbing his head. We walked off the train and begin to walk. "What store should we go to?" Hermione asked. "I know the perfect store! How about us two go and your two boys go check out the suits" Ginny suggested. She didn't even look me in the eye. I guess she was still angry. "Yes!" I said.

When Hermione and Ginny walked away I walked with Ron. "I don't know any stores, Harry!" He whined. I chuckled. "Don't worry let's just look around like.. that one. It's very crowded but that just means they have good suits!" I told him. "Alright.. let's go!" We walked inside the store.

Ron quickly walked over to a suit. "Harry!" He called me over. "Do you think this would look good on me?" He asked me. "I mean yeah. But Hermione has the better answer" I shrugged. "Wow your so helpful"

"Why thank you" I smiled. We both laughed and we begin to goof doing dumb stuff. We then bought some suite using MY MONEY. Because Ron didn't have enough he needed at least 100 more.

"Were gonna look so badass" Ron said smirking at the suit in the bag. I shrugged. "Ron.. I-"

"Hey guys!" Dean had interrupted me. "Hey!" We both said. "I'm buying a gift for Seamus" He said holding the bag. "For?.." I asked confuse. It wasn't his birthday. "Because of..." He turned red and sweaty. "Because I owe him, you know?" We nodded confuse. "Sure.." He then walked off.

"What were you gonna tell me earlier, Harry?" Ron asked facing towards me. "Uh.. I forgot" I didn't want to tell him how I felt about his sister. What was I thinking? His sister, and Him?! I really am stupid. I thought shaking my head.



When I was looking for dresses with Ginny. I noticed she was upset. "Ginny what's wrong?" I asked smiling at her as she sat on a stool her arm on her knee as she rested her head on her hand. "Well.. Harry" She said shaking her head. "What about Harry?" I asked as I sat next to her. "He's been weird.. since after the war but I think he's just in pain after losing you know.. Fred. And the others" She said sadly.

"But this is different" She said making her hands swirl like doctor strange. "Like how?" I asked. "He's been distant, he doesn't want my kisses. You know! He seems bothered by me" She said sadly.

"Maybe your just overthinking it" I suggested but she gave me a look. "Seriously?! I have a gut feeling! And I always trust my gut feelings!" She told me stressed out. "And my gut feelings are always right!" She told me and begin to freak out. I placed an arm on her shoulder. "Ginny! You'll be okay! You guys lasted this long! It'll be okay" I assured her. "But you don't know that!" She snapped upset. "I'm trying to be the best girlfriend ever to him! Giving him kisses i'm clingy! And he doesn't even like that!" She said starting to tear up a bit.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Your gonna be alright! Plus I don't know.. maybe you guys are growing apart?" I shrugged as I told her.

"Growing apart?!" She said gasping shocked. "I don't want us to grow apart!" She said now panicking. "Maybe he is. You need to talk to him and understand him and how he is feeling towards you. Your his first actual relationship other than Cho Chang. You know?" She shrugged. "What if he doesn't love me anymore?"

"Then you can always find someone better! Cause if you want love and kids find someone who will do that and actually love you. I'm not saying Harry doesn't but that's his side to talk about. But still! If he doesn't then find someone else! You pulled many people you, especially Harry! The world wide famous wizard! Then you can surely pull someone else!"

She smiled looking up at me and giving me a hug. "Thanks Hermione" She smiled as she hugged me and I hugged her back. "Of course" I know I had to talk to Harry. I also wanted to know.

After a minutes we started to look around for dresses. "Hermione, what about this dress? Does it suit me?" She asked. It was a beautiful pearled purple dress. "It's amazing on you! What about this?"

I asked showing her my dress. "Hermione.. It's.. AMAZING! Ron would pass out by seeing you in that!" She said squealing. "I sure did make him pass out a few times.."

We both laughed and bought our dresses.


When we got back I was in the Library with Harry. "Harry!" I said grabbing his wrist to pull him to a corner. "What's up, Mione?"

"What's up with you and Ginny?" I asked curiously. "I-I.. Uh what? What do you mean?" He asked nervously.. Something was up. For sure. "Why have you been distant towards her? Even she knows! She almost cried when we were out buying dresses earlier! So tell me now. The truth. I won't tell Ron or Ginny. I Hermione Granger, pinky promise you Harry Potter" I said smiling.

"I don't know.. Hermione.." I wasn't sure if he was talking about his relationship with Ginny or not wanting to tell me. "I pinky promise come on spell the seeds" He huffed and crossed his arms.

"Hermione you can't just force me to tell you" he said annoyed. "Harry come on. I'm your bestfriend you tell me we very thing now tell me!"
He rolled his eyes. "No, Hermione. Im just.. sensitive and trying to heal! Okay? I love Ginny! And nothing is happening i'm just I don't know having a mood?" He shrugged. I could tell he was lying but I didn't push it further. "Alright i'ma just believe you for now, Harry. Yule Ball is next week soo.. yeah" I said shrugging aswell.

I walked off.


I sighed in relief once Hermione left. Ginny knew what I was up to! But this is what I wanted but.. I don't know.. I don't want to hurt her but at the same time I wanna just be friends with her. I shook my head lost in the thought until I felt someone behind me touching my arm.

I turned around quickly to see the tall handsome blonde, Malfoy. I wasn't gonna even lie he was handsome and i'm pretty sure anyone would agree deep down.

I felt my face burning as usual and my heart racing.

"Y-Yes? M-Malfoy?" I asked as the usual stuttering happened as I talked giving my stupid awkward smile. "Hey Potty Head" I rolled my eyes at the nickname. Out of all names he could've chose. He chosen 'Potty Head' was the one he chose. "S-Shut up!" I said crossing my arms trying to hide my sweaty palms.

"What do you want?" I asked finally without stuttering. "Nothinggg, I was just gonna hand you back your wand you left in the dorm" He said smirking as he handed it to me. I grabbed it quickly our hands touched as it did. "I don't remember leaving my wand behind?"

"And I bet you don't remember even grabbing it" He said flicking two fingers on my forehead making me yelp. "Malfoy!" I say angrily slapping him lightly on the shoulder as I tried to keep my indoor voice.

"Alright! Alright! I'll be going now to read a book. Bye Potty" He said but before he left he leaned down to kiss my cheek and walked away. My eyes widen. My heart was pounding against my chest as my forehead, palms got sweaty. My face on fire not even fire, lava. I felt sparks run through my body.

I quickly just left the library.

I swear! He was only teasing me. But it felt good but it hurts knowing it was just a tease.


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