Chapter 1

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Harry Potter POV:

It was time to aboard the train. It was scary to think of it going back to Hogwarts after the war. Remembering all those memories including the deaths of our loved ones. I felt empty it didn't feel the same it felt like.. a nightmare.

But here I was sitting in a compartment with my two bestfriends in my girlfriend. What could be so terrible about that?

"Harry?" Hermione called. "Yes?" I turned to face her. Her long brunette hair in the way as she brushed it behind her ear. "You've been awfully quiet" She said with a bit of concern in her voice. "Oh, it's nothing Hermione. I just.. caught in my thoughts. You know?" She only nodded.

"Harry, darling" Ginny said smiling brightly her face matching the same color as her hair as she hugged my arm. "Yes?.." I said give her a small smile trying to hide my awkwardness. "What do you think it's gonna be like at Hogwarts?" She asked curiously. I had only shrugged.

Later we had arrived at Hogwarts. As I got off the train I notice a lot of familiar people returning. But a certain tall blonde had got my eye. Malfoy? Why'd had he come back? I certainly thought he wouldn't come back after his father been put in Azkaban. I would've been to embarrass to even show up. He was with his minions as usual, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini and Gregory Goyale.

But at the same time.. I felt bad for him. For what he had gone through and losing his friend Crabbe. Being forced to be a deatheater to make his Father proud for him and his family. The dark lord.. But at the same time I couldn't let the way he treated me throughout these years slide off. He was still responsible for his words and actions.

I felt someone grab my hand and drag me. "Harry! You can't just stand there and stare off! Were gonna be late now come on!" Hermione dragged me to the entrance of Hogwarts. Crowded as usual like every beginning of the years.

"Harry!" Luna rushed to hug me. "Luna" I smiled back and hugged back. Obviously Ginny had given me a look and I pulled away. She grabbed my hand as we walked.

"Come on, Harry. We gotta get to the Great Hall there announcing who's replacing Dumbledore" Hermione told us. "Okay!" I smiled and rushed to the Great Hall with her, Ron, and Ginny. The four of us sat down.

"I wonder who's gonna be our new principal" Ron spoke. "I'm surprised your wondering about that and not the food" We heard beside us and saw Dean and Seamus. "Not cool Seamus!" Ron barked back.

Hermione chuckled. "Not cool guys!" Ron said getting angry and crossing his arms like a child. "Oh don't be a child, Ron" Ginny laughed.

I had chuckled. But honestly it really wasn't that funny.

A bell had caught our attentions and we all sat quiet.

A old wrinkly lady with long black hair, green eyes with pink glasses had begun to speak.

"Hello to all 8th years and also all years returning back to Hogwarts. I am now the new Principal Brayland. I am replacing Dumbledore. There is also a new Potions teacher Professor Hartman. And for Care of Magical Creatures Professor Greword. Give them a round of applause"

Everybody begin to applause as the two Professors waved.

"Greword? That's a ridiculous name" Ron laughed and Hermione had slapped his arm as usual. I smiled I missed this.

"All 8th years stay" Brayland had said.

"Im just hoping it's something important or cool at least" I spoke what came to mind. "Yeah" Ginny agreed with me. She always agreed with me even the smallest things. Sometimes it bothered me.

"Everybody will be assigned dorm mates"

I rolled my eyes. "I guess I was right"

"I hope I get it with you Harry!" Ron turned to face me. "Same, here" I responded. "What if I get out with some freak?! Someone scary!!" Ron freaked out.

"Ronald! Don't be stupid. You'll be the one to freak them out!" We all laughed. "Plus scary? Ron what would they do to you?" I say holding back a laugh as my mouth was parted open with a smile. "Who knows Harry!!"


"Look they have the names on the wall!" I pointed. "But there's a whole crowd come on guys let get pushing" Ron said and started to the push the people. "Seriously?" I said chuckling as I rolled my eyes. Ginny hold tightly onto my arm as we pushed through the crowd.

"I got.." I checked the list... ".. Malfoy?!" I say shocked. "Wow, mate. You got Malfoy? I got Zabini" Ron told me crossing his arms. "This is ridiculous!!"

"You'll be fine Harry" Hermione assured. "What if he kills me in my sleep! Or-

"YOUR GONNA BE FINE!" Ginny snapped. "Fine!" I huffed. "Don't be a baby, Harry" Ginny teased. "I am NOT. A baby!" I protested. She giggled and kissed my cheek. "I'm going to
check out my dorm! My Harryyy" She then walked off.

When she kissed my cheek I felt nothing. No sparks no shyness nothing I didn't even blush or smile! But it was on my cheek it was probably different.

I told Ron and Hermione I was also gonna check out my dorm.

As I walked I thought about the kiss and how I felt about Ginny. When I had entered the dorm it was still empty.

But it looked like Malfoy had been here already. "Okay, so.. this is my side I guess.." I told myself as I sat on the bed. It was getting dark either way.

I hard the door creak open. And there he was the tall blonde who was Draco Malfoy. He was shirtless and only wearing grey sweatpants.

I felt something I never have my face burning and I looked away quickly. "Your on my bed" He told me cooly and sternly. "O-Oh, uhm.. s-sorry" I stuttered nervously standing up and walking over to the other bed. I still had to change and I walked into the bathroom and changed.

When I walked back inside he was laying on his bed with a book reading. Of course the casual Draco Malfoy who was always on top of his classes. "Soo.. uhh.." I said awkwardly my face turning red. He only looked at me suspiciously.

"What is it, Potter?" He spat out. "N-Nothing" I stuttered and I lied down on my bed. My heart was racing for some reason. "Okayyyy, soo... are we still enemies are?.."

Malfoy looked at me if I was weird or something. "I don't know, Potter" He said firmly and went back to reading his book. I sat up to look at him. "Then what are we?" I asked curiously. "Why does it matter so much?!" He snapped.

I chose to just lay back down in. "Fine. It doesn't matter!" I said annoyed and turned to my side to sleep.

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