Chapter 10

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Two months later. The Yule Ball had happend during winter during December. It is now February.


Over the two months that gone by i'm pretty sure I was losing my mind. And how was I losing my mind?

I was stuck between two people.




It was so hard to choose. Everyday during classes me and Astoria were usually always talking. She said she started to take therapy and stuff like that for her mental health but I think it's just cause she's crazy. The little crush with Potter? It was fading away or just getting worse. I couldn't decide. I mean we were still close in the dorm but out of the dorm we barely talked.

I was walking with Astoria down the hallway. I leaned against the locker as I had my hands on her waist holding her.

"Draco?" She said twirling around my Slytherin tie. "What's up?" I looked down at her. "This is very random but I think Potter, hates me. I don't mind it's just he makes it very obvious.." She said weirdly. "Potter? What did you do to him?" I ask snorting.

"I don't know? He just gives me looks like.." She thought for a moment and snapped her fingers "Death glares! He gives me these death stares! And it bothers me! Everytime he does I just give him a awkward smile!" She said annoyed. "If I catch him giving me another death stare! I swear Draco! I'm gonna go slap him across the face!!" She snapped angrily.

"Okay, calm down. He's just.. Something for sure"I said calming her down. I didn't even think about Potter. Why was he giving her death glares in the first place? She hadn't done anything wrong. I mean I did catch him giving her a look like two months ago during the Yule Ball. Maybe she done something that she didn't realize. I was gonna ask him tonight either way.



I saw them. Again. Astoria and Draco! Why did he get back with her?! She's toxic, cruel, horrible, annoying, selfish, pick me girl that nobody likes! Did he forget what happend last time?! They already broke up six times was he trying to make it seven times?!

I didn't even realizing I was glaring at her until she glared back.

I looked away annoyed and angrily and stormed off! I hated her with all my might. How dare she hold hands with my Ferret?! It hurt me so bad knowing he'd never end up with me.

I'm gay buts he straight.



Something was up with Harry. The day him and Ginny broke up Ginny was gonna say he had something to tell us but got interrupted by Harry. What was he hiding? From me? His bestfriend?

I was worried for him he seemed upset and angry at a certain person. Astoria. What had Astoria done to him to make him so angry? I thought about it as I walked to the library. As I walked I passed by Malfoy and Astoria they were giggling and laughing with each other in kissing.

Oh come on Hermione! Think about it harder. I told myself.

Wait a minute. How could I be so oblivious? Everyday Harry is always staring at Draco. No one says anything but it's quite obvious. It's gonna be sixth year all over again! Him being obsessed with Draco.

But was it different this time? This time I think it's more than an obsession I think. I think Harry has a crush on Malfoy?! No wonder why he got so mad at the Yule Ball! He was mad at Astoria with Draco! But then what was Ginny gonna say when she said Harry had something to tell us? That he liked Draco? Or.. was he gay? Maybe it's both. I mean most of the time he's awkward around girls and around guys he seems different to admire them more in a attractive way.

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