Chapter 9

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I woken up early as always I stood up to stretch and went to the bathroom to brush me teeth to get rid of my morning breathe.

I kept thinking about the slap with Astoria and then just Potter. All I kept thinking about was Potter? It was weird. Like.. a whole month ago that's when he just filled my mind of. No matter what he's what I thought.

What did he like? What was he like? How was he? How is he? Many things.

But the slap with Astoria was honestly so stupid and ridiculous and childish of her. Because I stared at some girl for a second? I didn't slap the shit out of her when she stared at a guy for 0.00 seconds?!

We were giggling touching each other and kissing the whole night! But each kiss we had didn't make me feel special. It didn't make me feel anything didn't scream out the words luckiest person in the world. It didn't make me feel.. the same way with Potter with that damn kiss from months ago.

I'm not gonna even lie now. Sometimes I wanna relive that moment but obviously I couldn't just ask him. 'Hey Potter? Wanna make out?' That would be a obvious no. No I didn't find Potter attractive or anything.

Sure he was handsome, sweet, nerdy, short, adorable.. wait.. what the fuck? Adorable? HANDSOME? Hell no. But I couldn't lie he sure was some little bratty bossy guy. He's like a small baby. He also weighs like one too! I chuckled at the thought of that.. Okay maybe I did have a small crush on him. But who wouldn't?! I mean yeah were both guys this is like my first time ever liking a guy. But i'll get over it soon.

But Potter he makes me feel things no other girl has. Im not saying i'm gay! I still am attractive to girls but they don't hit the same way he did with that kiss. When he wrapped his small arms around my neck to pull me closer. That was the most intense moment of my life and best kiss.

Honestly the only thing on my mind is him acting like an adorable small baby. Our height differences makes it funnier and better.

As I brushed my teeth I heard the bathroom door open to see who? Of course the small short bratty bossy baby looking boy. His hair was a rats nest as always he looked tired rubbing his eye. "Morning, Potter" I said smiling at him. He turns red everytime i'm around him and it's makes him more adorable. "M-Morning, Malfoy.." He stuttered as always.

Why was I being so lovey dovey all of a sudden?

I moved aside a bit for him to brush his teeth. "Did you force yourself to get up?" I asked. He shook his head. "Why do you ask?"

"You look exhausted"

"I am" He said shrugging. I grabbed some of the sink water splashing it on his face that's when his eyes widen shocked. "Malfoy!" He said trying to snap at me but he seemed to tired and kinda sick. "You look sick, Potter" I told him. It was only a sunday morning. "I'm fine" He said sniffing. He also had a stuffed nose? I guessed. I put a hand under his jaw he stared up at me his face turning redder and also with confusion. "What.. are you doing?"

I felt him hot. "Your sick" I said removing my hand. "I'll be fine"

"Just go to bed, Potty" I told him but of course he was stubborn and didn't want to. "Come on just go to bed or i'll make you" I told him sternly. He shook his head. I picked him up carrying him over my shoulder. "Malfoy!! Put me down!!" He said trying to make his voice loud but it was just cracking.

I put him on his bed.

"Just sleep, okay?"


I thought of an Idea. "Aw, why not? Want me to cuddle you until you fall asleep?" I asked smirking. I could see he was blushing furiously. "No! Malfoy!" He said blushing harder. "Aw, are you sure? I mean.. I will if you really want" I said smirking. I actually would.

He stared at me for a moment if he was considering it. "Uh.. fine!" He said pouting slightly but I could see he wanted to smile.

"Okay" I said smirking as I laid next to him. "Aren't you gonna get sick?" He asked me. "It's worth it" He tried to hold back a smile.

After a few moments I pushed him on top of me to lay on my chest I didn't even realize he was softly snoring holding onto me. I shook my head smiling.

This surely wasn't how I planned my sunday morning but I can say it's amazing so far.


When I woke up again Potter was still asleep on me. He seem to be whimpering slightly not in a good way a bad way. But I didn't think anything of it.

I felt a droplet of water on my chest and I turned my head to the side to see the best as I can of Potter's face he seem to be.. crying? I wrapped my arms around him holding him he seemed to calm down. "Shhh" I tried even though I knew he couldn't even hear me. He seemed to snuggle closer against my chest. It made me smile like an idiot as I felt a blush crawl up my neck up to my face and ears.

He seemed to struggle. But I don't know what he was struggling against he seemed to tremble slightly. I carefully laid him next to me. He was now laid against the wall while I laid near the edge so he wouldn't fall off cause he fell off his own bed twice this month. I still held him close to me and my bare chest.

He started to quietly cry in his sleep.

"Potter?" I spoke softly shaking him lightly. But he continued to cry sleeping. "Potter?!" I said shaking him more and he woke up with tears. "What's wrong?" I asked confused and worried. "I-I had a nightmare.." He said wiping his eyes as he sat up. I sat up with him. I just stared at him over his shoulder as he wiped his tears away.

I didn't even realize I was admiring his face until he pointed it out. "Malfoy?.. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh, my bad." I said shrugging. "Sorry.." He said his voice small and weak. My eyebrows furrowed and I stared at him in confusion. "About?" I asked confused. "I.. don't know" He shrugged. He started to get awkward and I found that adorable. "Your so awkward, Potter" I said laughing. "Oh shut up Malfoy!" He said laughing softly with me.

"You sleep like such a peaceful baby" I said and he turned redder than before. "Whatever!" He said and covered his mouth as he coughed. I stood up and walked over to my drawer to take a spray out. "Do you have a sore throat, two?" I asked and he nodded. I walked over to him.

"Open your mouth" He obeyed as he opened his mouth and I sprayed the spray into his mouth. He closed his mouth quickly his eyes closing tightly. "What is that?!"

"It's medicine for your throat" I said sitting down on the edge of his bed. He laid on his bed dramatically. "I hate being sick!!" He said annoyed. "Well to bad" I teased smirking. "You damn ferret" I scoffed.

He giggled. It made me smile making my heart race.


Later I came out from using the bathroom. Potter was lying on bed sleeping and snoring softly. I had placed some pillows on the ground next to the edge cause I don't want him to get hurt as he falls.

Why was I being like this all of a sudden? Being to nice and lovey dovey! Just yesterday I wanted to stick my tongue down Astoria's mouth and now i'm being lovey dovey to Harry Potter? But I don't really mind honestly it's just weird and confusing.


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