Chapter 3

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Third POV:

A month had gone by. The relationship between Harry and Ginny had gone neutral. The 'friendship' between Harry and Draco had improved.

Draco and Harry still had fights and arguments over the smallest things then and there.

They only ever actually laughed or talked with each other was in there dorm.


Harry was with Ginny in her dorm.



"Harry!" Ginny said excitedly as she jumped onto the bed where Harry was sitting. "Yes?" I asked confuse on what she wanted this time. "Can we makeout??" She asked me blushing hard as she jumped lightly.

I sighed and gaved in. "Yeah sure!"

After a few minutes I was on top of her on her bed as we kissed her legs were wrapped around my waist as we kissed one of my hands on her waist the other one on the bed to support me.

But throughout this whole makeout session. I didn't feel anything. No butterflies, I wasn't blushing or flustered this was all just... nothing to me. I still loved her but I didn't feel attraction to her. I don't understand what I was feeling. I wanted to pull away quickly but I couldn't find the courage to pull away from a girl who truly cared and loved me.

I then finally pulled away once I heard a soft moan leave her lips. "Harry?" She asked looking up at me. "I g-gotta go!! I p-promised.. H-H-Hermione! I would go and study with her!!" I quickly got up and put my shoes leaving before I could hear a response from Ginny.


I was walking with Ron.

"Harry, I heard quidditch is coming up are you trying out?" He asked me. "Of course I am! You know me. Of course i'm gonna try out"

I was excited. I love quidditch it was my favorite things to do!! That wasn't until I started.



When quidditch started Harry hadn't realize that every game he had against Slytherin they lost. Draco had begun to win catchering the Golden Snitch.

Slytherins begin to win every game they had.

Harry always had a fit and tantrum after each game what made him angrier is Malfoy smirking at him each time.

"Harry calm down! Mate!" Ron tried to calm Harry down as he kicked the locker. "I swear i'm gonna FUCKING KILL-

"Your not killing anybody! Now calm down Harry! It's just a game!" Dean told him placing a hand on his shoulder. But harry slapped his hand away. Harry stormed out of the locker rooms he was angry as hell he just wanted to end Malfoy.

He walked inside the bathroom and went to the corner where it had a window and he stared outside it as he sat to watch the view trying to let his anger aside.

He heard a creak but he didn't think anything of it.

"Potter?" He heard a soft voice and he turned to of course, once again. See the tall blonde standing there looking down at him. "What now?" He said angrily. "Angry, huh?"

"Yes I am! Now leave me alone!" He said harsh. "I heard you were gonna kill me, is that true? Pottyyy" He asked smirking down at Harry.

Did this bitch really just call me 'Potty'?!
Is what Harry thought angrily to himself.

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