Chapter 15

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Potter and I, have been getting closer. We always hangout with each other we're always talking in our dorm.


"Potter" I called as I quickly ran up to walk beside him. "Hey, Malfoy" He said with a smile. As we walked. "Where you going?" I asked. "I'm going to the library"

"For?" I asked and he looked up at me. "It's kinda stupid" He said flushed up. "What book were you gonna get?" He looked away embarrassed. "It's about children. When I get a bit older I want to have kids of my own." He said slightly embarrassed. "There's nothing to be embarrassed of, Potter. I think children are a delight. I also want children." I said smiling at him. I wonder what it would be like to have children with Potter. I thought to myself smiling like a fool.

We had walked into the library and Potter knew where to go and went straight to a baby aisle. He started to search through the books.

He struggled to reach a book so I walked up behind him to grab it for him. "Thanks.." He mumbled as his adorable face turned red, oh how much I missed seeing his face turn red.

He opened the book. "Why don't we go to that empty corner?" I pointed to the corner where no one would see us and next to a window. "Sure" He said and we walked over and sat on the window edge.

He opened the book more clearly and begin to read it to himself. I read over his shoulder. He was on a page about how to handle babies when they get to a certain age turning into a toddler and having to sleep through the night and that you have to let them cry it out for them to fall asleep.

"How many children do you want?" I asked curiously. He looked up at me from the book and smiled. "About three or two. I want at least one girl and two boys." He said smiling widely. "What would you name them?" I asked smiling back. "Girl name would be Lily or Lilliana. Or maybe her name is Lilliana and nickname is Lily! And for boys, James or Jamie. And hmm.. Ethan!" He said excitedly. "Those are adorable names" I spoke. "I know!" He squealed.

He begin to explain to me all the things he wants to do when he has children. And I paid attention carefully.

He was so excited about just talking about kids.


"Potter," Harry had turned to look at me. "Could we start using first name bases?" I asked finally with courage. He smiled. "Sure, Draco." He said with a bright smiled. "Okay.. Harry." I smiled back.

"Draco, would you like to join me later outside? It's beginning to snow!" He said excitedly. "Yeah!- I said a little to excitedly and coughed. -I mean sure." I said softly.

We waited until after dinner.

Me and Harry had walked outside and oh, merlin. It sure was snowy for sure.

"Draco!" He called and I looked I then felt snow hit my face as I stumbled back. Harry begin to laugh. So I kneeled down to grab snow making it into a hall and throwing back at him making a headshot.

"Take that!" I laughed out. We begin to attack each other with snow.


Draco and Harry laughed and attacked each other with snow. Harry had ran running onto Draco with a huge big snow ball and attackling him to the ground.

They both begin to giggle and laugh. "Harry!" Draco cried out laughing.

After a few minutes they panted out of breathe and sat on a log next to each other. Harry grabbed some crackers from out of his pockets. "Did you have those the whole time?" Draco asked shocked. "Yeah." They both shared the crackers and ate peacefully.

"Harry.. I need to tell you something." Draco took a deep breathe in. "Like what?" Harry asked taking a bite into the cracker.

Draco turned his head to look down at Harry. "Harry, I.. About the argument and what I said.. - Harry opened his mouth to speak - Before you interrupt me let me speak. I wanted to say.. I fancy you." Draco said nervously his whole body turning red.

Harry's jaw dropped. "What?!"

"I fancy you." Draco repeated. "You fancy me now?" Harry said confused. "Yes, Harry!"

Harry grabbed Draco's face and kissed him hard and passionately on the lips their heads slightly twirling to make their lips fit perfectly on each others.

"I also want to show you something." Draco said smiling. "Like what?"

Draco stood up and grabbed Harry's hand to walk him through the small forest. "This." Draco opened a door to a small cabin and they walked inside. "W-What is this?" Harry asked and saw portaits of his parents and him as a baby.

"I found this awhile back in third year. But I never told you."

Harry smiled brightly and kissed Draco. "Thank you for finally showing me this." He smiled widely.


When they finished Hogwarts they told there friends and moved into a flat and had three children.

The end.


I'm trying to make another story if you want like more you can make it in the comments. 🤔 Or I might edit it soon.

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