Chapter 13

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How could Da-Malfoy, say that to me? I tried to hide my tears but I couldn't I stormed out of the dorm as I heard him call my name.

I left tears streaming down my face. Was I really that weird? Was I really pathetic? Or was I just so madly in love with a jerk who never would love me back?

I couldn't hold back as I sobbed I quickly went to Ginny's dorm. I knocked on her door with tears when she opened the door. "H-Harry?! What's wrong? Come in!" She said moving aside and I walked into her empty dorm and sat on her bed.

"Harry what happened?" She asked concerned. "M-Malfoy!" I said as I held back a chocked sob. "What did he do?" She asked worried. "H-He knows I like him! H-H-He called me Pathetic and Weird!" I sobbed into my hands as I shaked uncontrollably.

"Hey, hey! Calm down it's okay!" She said hugging me. "I-I thought he liked me back I thought he loved me! But I was s-so madly in love with him to not see that!" I sobbed loudly.

"Harry it's not your fault! It's his lost and fault!" She reassured me. "How about you sleep in my dorm tonight or as long as you want" She said with a soft smile. "W-What about your roommate?"

"She sleeps in her boyfriend's dorm" She said shrugging.


When Ginny was asleep in her bed I couldn't sleep. My heart was shattered in peices.

This was it? Do I still truly love Malfoy? How could I? After what he done and said to me!? After he snapped at me calling me Pathetic and Weird for just loving him?

I, no longer liked Draco Malfoy.



After a horrible night I woke up. I felt horrible about myself and guilty. I realized.. Potter never came back to the dorm. So where had he gone?

I dragged myself to get up and change but I didn't feel the energy to do my hair. So I left it a bit messy and ungelled. I finally decided to leave the dorm and go to the Great Hall. 

"What's up with you?" Blaise asked looking me up and down confused. "What do you mean?" I asked sitting down. "He means why do you look so dead today?" Pansy asked me answering for Blaise.

"No reason" I simply said.

"Okay.." Pansy said raising an eyebrow. "Seriously i'm fine!" I snapped banging the table that caused some heads to look. "Your clearly not if your hanging the table and getting angry" Blaise said calmy. "It doesn't matter!" I said angrily and storming off and leaving the Great Hall.

Fuck. I feel to guilty.

I need to find Potter and apologize.


In Potions, Potter never showed up. I knew what class he had for third. And I had a free period.

I waited outside the classroom until the class ended and oh, lord. When it came to holding a grudge, Harry Potter was truly impressive. He had ignored me the whole day. If I was walking his direction he would turn around and quickly leave. Every class I waited outside but they had upgraded the Hogwarts classrooms adding two classroom doors for two exits and each time Potter would go out the other way.

He wouldn't even look me in the eye when we had classes with each other besides Potions today. He wouldn't even look my way or try to get my attention.

I finally found him in our dorm for once alone. "Potter.." I said softly, as I swallowed hard. He didn't turn to face me or say a word as he continued to sit on his bed in chris cross apple sauce reading a book which i'm surprised he even does. "Potter.." I repeated my voice still small.

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