Chapter 205 Fairy Tale World (9) (1/2)

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Hao Su only felt that the person in his arms suddenly had a violent attack. Fan Qing's condition at the moment was like a jar that had been filled with water, and some items of different densities had been put into it, so that there was not even half a gap inside. There are no more left.

And every interruption will wake those things up, making it difficult for people who can't even close the lid to resist.

The little rabbit's ears remained erect for a long time. Fan Qing did not retain the rabbit teeth this time when she was half human.

Hao Su didn't seem to notice what the person affected by the merits looked like. Instead, he stroked Fan Qing's lips, and then inspected her like he did when he found out that the other person had turned into a human on the first night.

His fingers searched all over the teeth. When Fan Qing was about to arrive again, he clasped his arms on his back and asked, "Why does Qingqing have no teeth this time?"

While he was talking, he looked at people with a very controlling look, like a complete bad guy.

Hao Su looked at Fan Qing with admiration and told him an interesting story.

"The little animals in the Miracle Forest can all turn into humans when they reach adulthood. Of course, they can also change back to their original form from humans at any time. In addition to being voluntary, there is another situation. Do you know Qingqing?"

Fan Qing doesn't know, and even if he knows, there's no way to tell him now.

Little Rabbit was no match for Hao Su. His mouth couldn't be closed because of the opponent's hand, so the corner of his mouth looked awkward again.

Hao Su smiled softly and pressed his hand on Fan Qing's tongue.

"When they are particularly excited, animal characteristics will appear one after another. Generally speaking, the first thing to come out will be their ears or tail, then their teeth, and then their facial features."

His words were very charming in the middle of the night, and he got closer to Fan Qing.

"Would you like to try your love? Maybe you will turn into a bunny again later."

Hao Su's smiling expression made Fan Qing so confused that even his nose turned red.

There were tears in his eyes, but he was extremely excited because of the other party's words.

Fan Qing blindly followed her instinct. Hao Su's hand was checking his teeth, but he turned his head and let him taste it.

His Royal Highness had a tooth that was full of energy and kept following Hao Su's fingertips. In addition, his tongue was also very greasy, and he would not let Hao Su go for a moment.

When Hao Su was about to take his hand out, he could still hear the sound caused by the other party holding it too tightly.

The sound made the little rabbit's ears stand up more obviously, and he was stunned. Then Fan Qing remembered something, looked at Hao Su with tears, and then softened his ears.

But at this time, Hao Su suddenly smelled a slightly strange smell.

It's not the fragrance of flowers, but it's more confusing than the fragrance of flowers. It is full of aura of love and lust, and it exerts an extremely powerful influence almost the moment it is smelled.

The little rabbit is really in heat, and he wants to seduce the person he likes in this way.

Hao Su reached out and touched the place where Fan Qing could not rest, and he never left.

He took care of the other party extremely carefully, and when Fan Qing finished digesting all the merits, only this fragrance was left in the room.

When it was at its strongest, Fan Qing could smell it herself.

Hao Su would ask him, can the scent still change? Fan Qing didn't know if it was possible, but the next night, following his wishes, the aroma did change.

Lop rabbits just look ordinary.

The only pity that Fan Qing felt was that the suggestion proposed by Hao Su had never been successful.

No matter how intense it was, he still looked like the half-human he was from the beginning. There were even a few moments when Fan Qing clearly felt indescribably out of control, but this did not change anything.

Because he was very enthusiastic about this attempt, Hao Su's promise to help him wash clothes was delayed.

Fan Qing's appearance as a rabbit during the day cannot be realized. By the time he remembered, Hao Su had already changed his clothes.

Fan Qing asked Hao Su where the clothes went, but Hao Su didn't tell him. He searched all over the house during the day, but still couldn't find it.

Unexpectedly, when Fan Qing returned to the rabbit room at night, she saw a new piece of clothing in her collection cabinet, which belonged to Hao Su.

Fan Qing now has many special cabinets, which are used to store various things related to Hao Su.

There are cat rooms within cat rooms, and rabbit rooms within rabbit rooms.


Hao Su discovered Fan Qing's abnormality on the fourth day after he turned into a bunny. At that time, the lop-eared rabbit would not only secrete a unique smell, but would also often be inexplicably excited, and then make movements like pawing the ground with its front paws.

But what Fan Qing was digging was not the ground. The other person would just keep digging lightly with his claws in the palm of his hand, and then dig his head into his arms. While smelling the smell, his back arched and he continued to make a weird gurgling sound.

What's more, the little rabbit has become extremely sentimental. Even if I usually stay in his pocket, I will start to shed tears.

Hao Su discovered Fan Qing was crying when the inside of his clothes became wet, so he took the snow-white rabbit out of his spacious pocket.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying properly? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Hao Su's soft voice healed Fan Qing's sad mood. He let out a sweet cry and put his head against Hao Su's face.

He didn't know why, he just... just wanted to cry. And because I have a tear-inhibiting constitution, I won’t be able to rest for a while.

In the pocket, in addition to the toys Hao Su arranged for Fan Qing, there were also some rabbit furs.

It was bitten off Fan Qing's body when she was crying.

After the little rabbit cried, Hao Su kept holding the little rabbit in his palm like this and did not put it in his pocket again.


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