Chapter 3 | La Mort D'un Père

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Lupiac, France - Winter 1627

I sat at the table, finishing my letter to Frederick. We wrote as often as possible but his letters had become more scarce as his training began. My brother sits somberly in his chair.

"You have to."
"Says you." Charles glares.

We are sitting in the kitchen, trying to figure out the finances of the Farm. Father has been too weak to even get out of bed these past few days. The Doctor says his heart has grown weaker. We have maybe a week before...

I push the thought from my head and stand up.

"I don't like the thought either, but as the man of the house it's your job to dismiss the staff. We can't afford to keep them on."

He sighs "I know, but it doesn't make it easier."

He stands and grabs his coat. I give him a reassuring look before he leaves out the door, I dread the deed he has to do but reality outweighs morality currently.

I make some tea and bring it up to my Fathers room. He smiles weakly when I enter.

"My dear girl, you're growing to look more and more like your mother." His voice is soft, but strained.

I set the tea on the table and pour him a cup. Lifting it up to his lips. I stay silent. A tear slips from my eye.

"Cry not my child, for I am lucky. I get to reunite with my one true love and to my Father above. I will be at peace."

"I know Father, but I am going to be so lost without you."

"No, you will be alright. You're the strongest young woman than I ever hoped you could be. I wanted you to be brought up as an equal to your brother, but the world may not see it that way."

"I'm grateful for everything."

"I know, I know. Your compassion is one of your virtues but do not let it become your downfall. Lead with your Head and heart. Never let yourself stray from what you want."

"I don't know what I want."

"Yes you do. Deep down, hidden beneath the worry and fear. When you find it, chase it."

"I will." I promise.

"I only wish I could live to see you married."

"If I had know, I would have planned—"

"It's alright, I wouldn't want to see you rush into something for my sake. Take your time, choose wisely."

Charles walks into the room somber.

"It's done." He states.

I look to my father and explain "We let the staff go."

He nods sadly "Yes, I suppose that's for the best. This farm was already far too expensive."

He thinks for a moment before turning back to me.

"Daria, in a drawer in my office there is an address for your Aunt Adria. Your mother's sister. I haven't talked to her in a few years, but please write to her and inform her of what's happening. Ask if she would be able to let you and Charles stay with her for a bit in Paris. She's a bit strict but she's also sensible and will surely be able to help you both." He leans back further into his bed. His eyes heavy.

"I will Father" I help him lay back down.

The last words he speaks before his eyes shut are

"I love you my Children."

Charles takes my seat at his bedside and I sit on the bed beside him.

After a few minutes, he's reunited with my Mother.

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