Chapter 7 | La Nouvelle Patrie

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Paris, France

We luckily had a merchants delivery Wagon pass us not too long after our little run in with the thieves. He was kind enough to offer us a ride. He was an older man though he looked more wise than aged. He told us many stories of his travels, though I reveled in them I could see Charles was not as interested. He fell asleep an hour into the ride, though I couldn't blame him after the day we've had.

I sat in the front with the Man as he went on.

"So the Duchess decided she wanted the Emerald Silk for her dress but the Princess who was also getting married soon wanted the same one. They pulled and tugged each side of the fabric until i was able to convince the duchess the Blue Taffeta was all the rage with the young Parisian women."

"And is it?" I ask

He laughs "It will be after the Duchess wears it."

I laugh and look to see we are closer to Paris. I can see people milling about but my mouth drops open at the sight of the large and elegant buildings on the farther side.

"She beautiful isn't she? Paris my home and the heart of France." He mused.

"It doesn't seem real. How is it such a grand place can exist outside of books and dreams."

"Word of advice, since you said you haven't traveled much. Paris is very glamorous, she is not immune to the crime or negative activity that plagues most of the world. Be very careful and choose your friends wisely. Enjoy Paris but don't let her get your claws in you."

"I won't." I promise. "Atleast I won't try but I always seem to have the misfortune of attracting trouble."

"Well dear, I may be a stranger now, I hope you can consider me your first friend in Paris. I am a mere Cloth Merchant but I can try to offer you or your brother help if ever needed. You should meet my daughter, she is quite a fine young woman. Much more Elegant than me. She is a lady in waiting for Queen Anne."

"That is a grand honor, how proud you must be."

"Proud, yes but I do miss her. She lives in the palace so I am often alone but she visits often as possible."

"I'm glad for you. I understand the lonely part greatly." I look back to my brother's sleeping forum "Charles is all I have left. My fiancé is also in Paris but he's been in Paris for quite awhile, so it's just been Me and Charles since Father died."

"I am sorry to hear it, but for a young woman such as yourself I doubt you'll be short of friends here."

"Let us hope."

We spend the rest of the ride chatting and Charles awaken. Soon it is I who falls asleep.

My sleep is plagued by my normal haunting dreams. Seems my days have carried into my nights.

I feel a hand gently shake me awake.

"We're here." My brother says, jumping from the wagon.

When I open my eyes I hold in a gasp. The house is one of the larger on the street, in the middle of the noise that is the town.

The door opens and a footman walks down to us. He helps me out of he Wagon and grabs our bag.

"The lady would like to meet you in the dining room. This way if you will." He motions for us to go inside.

Charles and him begin to leave, but I hang back to say goodbye to our driver.

"Thank you for everything Monsieur Bonacieux, I promise to visit you as soon a possible."

He smiles "I'd like that, good luck with everything."

I hurry to catch up to my Brother and footman. They are just about to open the door to the dining room when I find them. The footman opens the door to reveal an elegany decorated room, a table sits in the middle. An older woman sits at the table, sipping from a tea cup. She doesn't look up when we come in, just sips on her tea. She sets it down and finally lifts her head.

Her face is unreadable as she looks the pair of us over. The room is silent.

Then she stands from her seat and glides over to us. Her stiff face plasters on a simple smile, and she finally speaks.

"Welcome to our Home."

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