Chapter 19 | Le Cadavre

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I rush out my room and down the stairs. I meet Charles as he's coming out of the kitchen. My Aunt and Uncle stand in the parlor, looking unnerved.

I start towards the door. My Uncle yells after me "Do not go out there young lady". But I do, the couple yell after me but I go on. When I get outside, I can heard crying and pleading coming from the alley across from us. The dark made them difficult to see, but I could make out two human forms. One lay limp on the ground, another looked and sounded like a woman. She was hunched over the man. Before I can get close enough to see her face fully, she stands. She turns her head slightly in my direction before running off. It's the woman I saw speaking to that thief that first day in Paris. I quickly check the man's pulse but he was gone, so I tried chasing after her but I only made it two blocks before she dipped into an alleyway and then was completely gone. Before she rounded the corner however, her hood slipped. I spent another few minutes searching the area but nothing came of it. I went back to the Alley near the house, but I was no longer alone. There he stood, eyebrow still ever so pensive.  He looked like hell. A few other Musketeers surrounded the area.

He turn as I approached.

"What are you doing here?" I could tell from his slight slurred speech, he was still somewhat drunk.

I point to my Aunts House "I live on this street. I heard a scream and ran out here. I saw a woman by the body, and chased her. She was wearing a dark cloak but I was able to catch some sight of her. Dark Blonde hair, blue eyes."

It's like I was speaking a different languages him, he just stared at me in annoyance. I'm not sure he heard a single word I said after I told him I chased her.

"Go home." He instructed me, turning his body back tot he body. He bends down to examine it.

"But I —"

"Go. Home." Was all he said.

I curl my nose up at his back and walk out of the alley. I hide in a doorway just a few feet from the alley and try to listen through all the different voices and whispers. I notice his distinct voice immediately.

Athos was telling one of his co hort's to send a message to Treville. His voice was muffled by some others but I heard the last bit clear as day.

"Tell him we found the Kings Brother."

I hurry back into the house. My Uncle was red faced and my Aunt redder.

Before my uncle could get a word out, my Aunt stomped over to me.

"Why must you be so ridiculous? Are you trying to embarrass us or are you just so socially inapt that you can't help but cause a scene?"

"I'm sorry, I thought someone was hurt and I wanted to help!"

"Help? You help? You are just a little farm girl who was raised by your idiot father. He was a constant headache just like you."

"Maybe, but he was smart enough to run far away from you."

"You ungrateful brat!"

"I'd rather be a brat than a pompous social climber."

The back of Adrias hand stuck my cheek with a loud SMACK!

Charles stepped up next to me, defensively. I put my hand up and he backed up.

Everyone went quiet but Adrias hard set slightly wrinkled face, didn't falter. But neither did mine. We both stood their face to face, no words said but many threats floating between us.

Even when some blood tricked down my cheek from where her wedding caught my skin, I didn't blink.

Finally, when all the anger boiling in me subsided a bit. I stood tall and said not one word to her as I past everyone. Charles followed me.

I just stepped into my room and grabbed my suitcase. Charles still on my heels. I opened some drawers and began packing.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I don't know."

"You can't just leave in the middle of the night."

"Yes she can." Adria appeared in the door behind him.
"I want you out within the hour."

"I'll be gone before then." I assure her.

She scrunches her face at me and walks away.

I finished packing and grab my few other belonging, my father's sword now slung at my side.

"Wait a moment." He says before running out of the room. After a few minutes he runs back into the room, his suitcase in hand.

"Charles no, you didn't do anything wrong. You can stay, learn from Uncle."

"If you think I'd rather sit in a room paddling papers all day instead of help my little sister, then you don't know me half as well as you think Daria."

I hug him gratefully and make our way downstairs. I leave a note for Miss Morris under her door and we exit through the back. I saddle up Shakespeare and we both get up onto her. Shes a strong gal, so the extra weight was nothing to her.

As we ride out of the stable, I just stop. Not sure where to go. An idea occurs to me, so I steer Shakespeare down the road. Though it may take me a moment to find, I still somewhat remember the address instructions.

"Where are we heading?" Charles asks.

"To see a friend."

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