Chapter 49 | l'ultimatum

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After packing up some essentials, we prepare to ride. Aramis and Porthos help Athos onto his horse. His leg will be fine soon enough, but the soreness will be around for a few more days.

Athos and I haven't spoke since their arrival. In truth, I didn't know what to say. There is an attraction between us, that is clear. But if I am to live somewhere anew, it should be without attachments. Right?

The trip back to Paris was filled with more questions to Athos from Armani's and Porthos. They joked about it. I kept to myself mostly, doing the one thing I excel greatly at. Overthinking.

It was mid day when we arrived back at the Garrison. We stables the horses, and the men went to go talk to Treville. Who requested to see them upon arrival.

I walk over to where Shakespeare stands happily in her stall. He neighs when she sees me. I pet her, and treat her to an apple.

"Eat up girl, we will be on the road before nightfall."

She neighs again, and bumps me with her muzzle. I laugh and pat her once more.

Athos, Aramis and Porthos return down to the yard.

"Your turn." Athos states.

"How is he. Happy? Mad?"

"It's cute you think that man has ever been Happy." Aramis jests.

Athos gives me an encouraging look before I set up the stair. I walk into Trevilles office, head held high. He looks just as stern as ever.

"I was told you were the one to rescue Athos. Well down, musketeer. Well done." His voice is calm, and proud.

"Thank you sir."

"Is there anything else?" He asks me when I don't leave. He tends to the paperwork before him.

"Yea sir, there is."

"Out with it then."

"I am leaving."

"Excuse me?"

"I no longer wish to be a Musketeer, Sir."

He stands face reddened "What kind of horseshit is this? Musketeers aren't some sewing circle of old maidens. You don't simply join, you transform. You may leave this place, La Vielle, but you will never not be a Musketeer."

"Of course, Captain."

He leans on his desk.

"You have quickly become one of my best Daria. It would hurt this unit greatly to see you gone. Is there anything I can do to get you to remain?"

"I don't believe so, sir. Plus, the more people hear of my involvement in the Musketeers, the more dishonor it will bring to them."

He scoffs "if I cared a lick about what people said of my men, I wouldn't have let half of them join in the first place. These are my men, and woman. You're a damn fine solider. Your father would be proud."

Tears brim on my eyes. I push them away.

"If this is your choice, then I must respect it."

"Thank you, Captain. It has been an honor." I hold out my hand for him to shake.

He laughs and pushes it away. He pulls me into a big hearty hug. One I return gratefully.

When he pulls away, he clears his throat.

"Like a said. Once a Musketeer, always a musketeer. If you ever find yourself back in Paris, we would love to have you back."

He gives my hand a final shake, and dismisses me. I begin my to leave the Yard, to go see My Brother. I hear footsteps behind me. When I turn, Athos, Aramis and Porthos stand side by side by side.

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