Chapter 29 | Une Leçon Apprise Non Enseignée

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We rode through the streets of Paris gingerly. He was in no rush, but neither was I. We were heading for the edge of the city before I finally asked him.

"Where are we going?"

"Just wait 5 minutes."

I wanted to tell him what he could "just" do but I shut my mouth and tighten my grip around him as he directed the horse to move faster now that we were near the forest. After what was probably 5 minutes but felt like 30, we are in a beautiful clearing. The night sky is dark but the moon provides all the light the area needs to glow. There was a small post in the middle and a barrel sat beside it.

Athos gets down, and helps me down.

"What are we doing here?"

"You know you ask a lot of questions."

"I've asked you 2 in maybe the last hour."

"I mean generally."

"And you almost never speak. Atleast not to me."

He shrugs "I don't feel my opinion is always needed."

"If you ask my brother, I give my opinion too freely and far too often."

We make our way near the post and he begins grabbing glass bottles from the small barrel beside it.

He places one on each flat surface of the fence.

"So this is a Musketeer practice range?"

He shakes his head.

"Only a few know of it, unless they stumble upon it while out here. Most of the men practice in the yard but Porthos, Aramis and I like to come out here one by one or sometime together if we're able.

"Then why am I here? Not that I'm not grateful, it's just if it is a special place why bring me here?"

He seemingly ignores my question, he just uses his hands to guide my body out of the way of the fence. He takes a few long strides away, and takes out his musket. Skillfully he hits all 5 bottles with one shot each. He reloaded each time too quick for me to realize. My ears pop from the noise.

Then he reloads the gun, grabs it by its muzzle and hold it out to me.

"Your turn." He states.

I pause. Father never let me use his gun, he wouldn't even let Charles go near it. He had own to keep our farm safe but it was mostly decor at that point.

"If you want to be a Musketeer, you're gonna have to know how to use a Gun. It's in the name."

I take it from him and use both of my hands to hold it up. It was a smaller musket, used for close range shots.

Athos does as usual, and watches my movements. As I try to line up the shot, I pull the trigger.

Nothing happens.

"Good first try." His says cooly.

"Nothing happened."

"Of course nothing happneed, you didn't pull pack the lever" he points to the smaller silver lever on the side on the gun. "Now I'll show you."

He walks around and stops right behind me. His body heat warmed me from the slightly nippy night air, as his arm reaches around and holds up the hand with the gun in it. He other is on my stomach and turning me so I standing sideways from the post. My stomach tightend at his touch. Frederick had kissed me a few times, but we never had any touch below the elbows unless it was to sweep the others leg during a fight.

"You'll need your other hand to wield your sword if needed, and your aim will be more precise if you hold it like this." His breath tickled the back of my neck as he spoke.

His hand that was on my arm, moved to my hand and wrapped around it. He helped me position it and finally pull the lever back and then the trigger. The billet came flying out and made a satisfying crack! As it shattered the glass bottle. Athos took the musket from my hand.

Then he showed me how to reload the gun before handing it back to me. He places five more bottles on the post and stepped back. When he was out of the way I did as he instructed before and sure enough. I hit all 5 bottles, though the last one was missed at first.

"That's why I brought you here." He says proudly.

"What do you mean?"

"I showed you once how to shoot a gun you've never even held, and you hit all of them. Most of the gun in that yard haven't even been able to hit 2 without waste of a handful of bullets."

"Do you teach them?"

"We try to, but young men eager to fight soon realize Musketeering is to try to avoid conflict, not seek it like the Red Guards."

"Is that why you do it? To help "avoid conflict"?"

"Mostly, but I like the honor it brings me. The respect and civility of a good fair fight. More importantly, why do you want to be one? Who are you trying to prove yourself to."

It was a question I had asked myself a million times but for once, right here, right now, I had an answer.

"Myself. I realize now more than ever, I need substance in my life. I don't crave a minimal existence as any faith fearing woman, but I let so much pass me buy in hope of something better. Maybe it makes me calculated but it also is very isolating."

"I can imagine."

He looks up at the night sky, taking it in.

"Do you think I have a chance? There is still no word on who the Cardinal has picked."

"I think you have a chance, but the battle doesn't start and end with the Match. Let's get you home."

We get back on his horse and begin our ride back home. The rocking of the trees and the isolated noise of the forest lulled my tired body, I soon found myself nodding off.

When I woke up again, my face was pressed against something cool. Athos doesn't seem to mind me slobbering all over the back of his jacket. I sit up and realize we stopped. We're sitting outside of Mr Bonacieux's house.

I climb off the horse and peer up at him. His hair was swept from the wind but it made his whole rugged appearance all the more appearing. A thought I kept to myself naturally.

"Some Advice for tommorow. Don't focus on how you can hit the other man, just make sure you can avoid them. The more hits he gets, the weaker your position becomes."

I nod taking in his adivce.

"Goodnight, Athos."


Then he's gone. I felt limp from tiredness, so I hurried inside quietly. I practically floated up to my bed. My stomach turned from excitement and fear for the events of tomorrow. Though I had been training for days, the real test has yet to come.

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