Chapter 42 | Un Affrontement

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We all meet in Aramis's room the next night. I explain everything, Athos strangely at my side the entire time. The other two musketeers stand across from us, arms crossed.

Porthos and Aramis are silent for a moment. I feel terrible, my hands have accumulated some sweat as I spoke.

"Ok. Right, let's get this plan in motion." Porthos uncrosses his arm, seemingly satisfied with my explanation,

Aramis on the other hand, has a bite of hurt in his voice.
"There is no plan. There never really was. She was reckless, and could get us all killed!" He storms out of his own room. Slamming the door for extra measure.

The three of us share a confused look. I lead the three of us out of us outside. We find Aramis sitting at the wooden tables.

He lets me sit across from him without a fight. Athos and Porthos stand behind me. Aramis has his head slightly hung. His eyes look tired, a great difference to his usually flirty and good natured self.

"I am truly so sorry. I never meant to hurt you this much, I thought I was protecting you guys. Besides my Brother, you guys are the closest thing to family I have."

He closes his eyes, then opens them to look up at the sky.

"It's not that. Yes, it hurt a bit. But I know you try to do your best like the rest of us. Something happened or maybe it didn't I'm not sure. the details aren't very clear."


He clears his throat.

"As you know, I have seen quite a few ladies in my time. One I was particularity close with, her name was Adéle Bessett."

"Aramis, no. You were told to stay away from her." Porthos eyes knit together.

Aramis fist curls, not in anger but in frustration.

"I know. B-but I...cared for her greatly. She didn't deserve to be treated by him like that."

"Who?" I ask.

Athos takes a seat, running his hand down his face.

"Richelieu. Go on Aramis, what happend to Adéle."

"A few days, I was visiting her and the Cardinal showed up. He didn't see me as far as I can tell, but I hadn't heard from her since. I went to her apartments, but last anyone saw of her she was escorted to Carriage by Richelieu."

"Maybe he just moved her to another private location." Porthos Suggests.

Aramis reaches into his pocket, pulling out a blue ribbon with blood on it. Placing it on the table between us.

"Christ" Porthos whispers underneath his breath.

"This was tied to my horses mane when I came back from my shift a few hours ago. That bastard hurt her, or worse."

"I'm so sorry Aramis." I pat his hand.

"He is a tyrant. A sin draped in religious cloak. He has the king fooled. We cannot beat him Daria."

"I don't believe that."

"Doesn't make it less true." Porthos adds.

"So what? We're just gonna sit here, turn a blind eye while he tortures and kills anyone he pleases? He is a threat to us, to Paris and to the King. Is it not our very jobs to protect all three?"

Athos looks to his friends "Answer the woman's question."

Porthos sighs "Yes."

Aramis nods.

"Then it's enough of this skipping around. We tried to tiptoe through the problem, it didn't work. We are back to where we started. Now, we need to use what little we know."

They all sit up a bit straighter, listening as I continue.

"That woman Athos and I saw must be doing most of his dirty work, we need to track her down, follow her."

"That won't be easy, she's not far from a ghost herself. All we ever see is her retreating from her finished tasks" Athos points out.

"Exactly. She handles problems the Cardinals dirty work, so we give her a problem to solve for him. I don't condone what Frederick did, but because he now has a connection with the Cardinal, we can use him to draw the woman out. Push him on the poisoning, have him alarm the man himself. The Woman will be sent to deal with him."

"And if she is sent to kill him?"

"I won't let that happen. We make it seem like we are clueless to the fact he was instructed by Richelieu. The Cardinal isn't stupid enough to go around killing for ever little thing."

"Are you sure about this? We'll back you up, but you must be Absolutey sure about this Daria."

"I am. This is what I want, and I know it could work. I have to believe that. But I won't bring any of you into this if you don't want it."

Athos is the first to say something "I'm in."

Porthos is second "You couldn't me out, if you tried." He says with a smirk.

Aramis pockets the bloody ribbon and juts his chin up. "I'm in. Let's get that païen".

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