Meet The Family- 1

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This story is set in 2015 and it is currently May
I feel as if I'm made to understand but not to be understood.

I felt trapped. Sitting alone in the classroom but not alone. Infact everyone was present. They were only there for one reason though. The celebrity talks. Everyone had voted on the people listed. Now today we found out who would be coming in to talk to us about whatever fucking nonsense was scripted. Everyone had found a seat close to the front while I sat in the back corner. My usual seat. It was closest to the exit. I wasn't a flunk like most people who sat at the back. Infact I was an A+ student. I only had one secret on how.

I believed.

No not in God although I do, I'm Catholic and go to church. I believed in myself, and I believed I could truly make it. I believed in putting in the work when no one else could.

That was also why I was a whole 2 years younger than everyone else. I'm glad because they truly have the worst fashion sense, and I don't get it. Just wear normal clothes no need to be skimpy and look like whores all the time. The girls in this class are what you would typically call pretty. Some natural some most definitely not. I was natural but most certainly not pretty. My friends most certainly thought I was though. I only had one true friend and that is the only person beside family to know my real name. People know me as Shani or Sage. I have 3 sisters and four older sisters. I also had one older brother the eldest. We as in me use a different name I go by Sage. the other 3 youngest are identical to me and we are quadruplets. Neriah has a boyfriend Ajax, Noor dates Ivy, and Nova is with Lucas. Family tree time. Family tree is above.

Blayze (dad) and Fyre(mum)

Eden is the oldest and our only brother. he is 28 and has a kid Gunnar.

Posie and Paisley. The eldest twins are 26. Posie has two kids called Chanah and Junia. paisley has one girl called Ari.

Zibiah and Samara the next twins are 24. Zibiah (beautiful lady) Samara (protected by God) Zibiah has a daughter called Bithia(daughter of God) And Samara has two called Kaia and Ashera

Then it's us quadruplets.

Nova (meaning new) Noor (meaning light) Neriah (meaning the lord is my lamp)

Then there's me Nadia. My name means Hope. We are of course the youngest and have caused the most trouble. Neriah and Ajax have a kid called Zane. Noor is gay and Nova has moved to America for her career in modelling while I moved to London. We're only 18 Everyone else is still at home in Knutsford. I live in Sundial court. The schools living courters and shared with two other people I'm just glad I'm not in one of the sections with six people per place.

I managed to get into Guildhall school of music and drama. Amazing right. I am doing a course in music and had been for the past few months. The course lasted 2 years so I was still a long way away. (I couldn't find a music course that lasted even a few months on their website so pretend this is real) I also did a side course in writing. Like proper becoming an author and another one for songwriting. The class was due to start in a few minutes and there was no sign of the teacher and I sighed. I could be at home writing songs, but I was stuck in class. I never wagged class but right now I was wishing I could. I look up as the door opens behind me and my best friend slides into the seat next to me.

"Nice of you to actually show up for once" I tease.

"Yeah yeah, how's the family going?" she asks.

"I should be the one asking that you're the one that's just taken a week off to see family in hospital. Anyway, I don't know, haven't talked to anyone since you left" I say.

"Well my mum's okay now, it's annoying. She keeps getting hospitalized for no reason" Ivory sighs.

"how's it been in the dorm" she asks brightening.

"OH MY GOD" I groan " Liberty keeps bringing her boyfriend over it is so annoying the amount of stuff I have accidently walked in on is killing me."

"She told me. I wanted to hear your side and I am glad I was gone this week" she laughs.

"How are you sisters?" I ask tilting my head towards her from where I was resting it on the desk.

"Ashley is entering that teenage period where she just argues about everything, and Ava is absolutely hating her classmates with a burning passion it's hilarious" she says.

"Isn't Ava in what grade 3?"

"That's what makes it better, she's the popular kid though" she says.

I was about to respond when the door is banged open and the teacher hurries to the front, the class chatter slowly dying down. Ivory holds in a laugh at my annoyed expression, I poke my tongue out at her and turn my attention back to the professor.

"You all did your vote and I would like to introduce you all to a certain someone that won and has been asked to come in and talk to you all today" he says.

I turn my head as I hear the door open slightly and my eyes widen. He smiles at me and Ivory who was also looking and steps in silently closing the door behind him.

"Please welcome Niall Horan"
I'm very sorry for the amount of names I just dumped on you but some of it is relevant to the story. Just to double make it clear Nadia is 18 turning 19. She is born 1996 if you wanted to know.

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