Little bit of past-2

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(Niall POV)

As I slip into the classroom only two people notice me, and I smile. The raven haired was too shocked to do anything but the one closer smiles at me turning back to the professor I had just been talking to outside.

"Please welcome Niall Horan" he says.

Everyone turns in their seats and a few of the girls scream another group start crying. Internally I sigh on the outside I smile and wave walking past them to the front a few boyfriends having to hold down the girls. They all seemed a lot older or at least a little older than the first two people.

"Hello everyone as you all know I'm Niall and I've been asked to speak to you and answer questions about what your end goal of this course is" I glance at the professor who gives a thumbs up.

"I'm not gonna stand up here and go on and on about something because frankly I can't be bothered so does anyone have questions that aren't about me?" most of the hands that had been raised lower and a few girls whisper to each other.

I look around the room and see the raven-haired girl with her hand up while her friend desperately tried to get her not to.

"Yes you, what's your name?" I point her out.

"I-I'm Ivory and my question is umm" she pauses uncertain " do you ever get use to the crowds and all, what do you do to go outside and is it annoying getting spotted."

I smile and nod thinking about how to answer the question for a second.

"Getting used to the crowds is two different things. The crowds at concerts amazing I love them dearly but crowds as in getting swarmed are less wanted especially because I'm claustrophobic but yes you do get use to them after a while. Never fully, but you accept it. Mostly I try to go outside as normal as possible and usually that doesn't last long when I'm with others like Harry. It's not necessarily annoying getting spotted by a few quiet fans who just want a photo or a nice conversation. I'm always willing to do that but when they scream out and run it brings more people which quickly turns to a swarm which is not good." I say.

A few of the girls look down embarrassed and I know I had just called out a few of them.

"Good question who's next" I say.

It goes like that for the next 45 minutes slowly getting more and more personal and when I reach a point, I had set out earlier with the professor he steps in allowing me to stop and I have to stop myself from sighing in relief.

"Niall's gonna sit at the back and just observe what happens in a normal class for the remainder of the lesson" he says, and I nod.

I take a seat in the only spot available which was behind the two girls. As I pass, they smile at me, and Ivory gives a thumbs up. The rest of the hour was insanely boring to me and what seemed to be most of the class. One of the girls never seemed to stop paying attention. She took notes occasionally and pointed things out to Ivory who definitely wasn't paying attention. When the class was about to end, I move away from the door so I wouldn't get swarmed.

The professor dismisses them, and they rush out the classroom as it was the end of the day I could only assume to go home or seen as it was a Friday, Home then a party.

"Nadia are you staying behind again" he asks and I look up from my phone.

"If that's okay professor, my dorms gonna be swarmed with Liberty's friends to get ready for the bonfire and I've got homework" the girl says.

"That's okay how's the song coming along" he asks.

"Almost done, don't know if it's any good but it's certainly better than before I joined the course almost wrote enough for an album I think" she smiles.

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