Cuddle to Concert-7

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When I woke it took me a moment to remember what was going on. I was in LA at Novas house. I snuggle closer into her chest and feel her hold tighten slightly. I smile enjoying a closeness I hadn't had in months. Against my will my eyelids fall shut and my body seems to melt into Nova.

When I woke again I instantly recognised that I was alone on the couch now. I sit up slightly and look around. I hear the clattering of some plates then Nova comes into the room with two plates of food. She smiles when she sees me awake and I return it as we start eating the pancakes she had made.

"Soooo.... What do you want to go do?" She asks half way through.

"Nova you're injured maybe when you're all better we can go do something but after that you know I have to go back to London right?" I say a bit reluctantly.

"I know but really it's just a broken foot" she pauses to  take another bite of food "you know I do have a spare ticket to something I think you'll be interested in"

"And what would be that" I ask sassily.

She laughs" how about a one direction concert?"

"Yeah right... wait what"

"The person I was supposed to go with decided to ditch me and now that you're here why not" she says.

I jump across the couch to pull her into a hug. I start mumbling a constant stream of thank you and whys until she manages to get free. She doesn't say anything just gives me a look and I fall silent with a small guilty smile until she starts tickling me. We fall off the couch but continue to attack each other with tickles until she taps out. We catch our Breathe only to burst out laughing again as soon as we look at each other.

" it's nice to be with you again" she says.

"I've missed you so much Nova you have no idea"

"I know" she looks down to her lap.

" hey" I shift over closer to her and rest into her side." It's not your fault"

"I know but doesn't mean I can't feel bad, you shouldn't have to do this alone"

"I know but it's how things have turned out so let's just be happy together while we can" I sigh.

She pulls me closer and I rest against the couch still on the floor. I just savour the time I got with her after so long apart just being together in silence was the best feeling. I feel her shift beneath me then we somehow get back onto the couch. I was too tired to do anything so close my eyes and lean back.

" you get some sleep Nads, got a long day tomorrow" I hear her say.

"I missed you" I mumble.

" me too, me too"

*A few days later*

"Nadia we are going to be late if you don't get your but down here" Nova shouts.

"I'm coming" I shout back hopping down the hallway while I pull on my shoe.

I run down the stairs and out the front door only to run straight back inside to grab our bag from Nova and shut the door. She was better on her crutches now but having a bag as well was a bit too hard so now that was my job. I run past her and open the car door. She laughs and gets in while I take her crutches and put them in the back. I then get into the drivers side and pause.

"I haven't driven a car in a while" I laugh nervously.

"Fuck you ride a bike don't you" Nova says.

"Yep, its fine I can do this. You've got an automatic as well so that's one less thing to worry about" I reassure myself.

Understanding immediately what I need Nova falls silent beside the occasional direction on where to go. Each time I mumble a response and immediately turn back to the road. Not too long later I pull into a parking space and lean back in the seat.

We look at each other and burst out laughing " how are we alive"

"You are not the safest driver" she says.

"I grew up on bikes and so did you what do you expect from me. When was there a time you saw me actually riding safe" i laugh.

"Yeah yeah you were the reckless one but so was I" she complains.

"Oh I know just look at you broken foot lady" I tease getting her crutches out of the car and bringing them over to her.

"This wasn't even my fault"

"I know still get to tease you about it though" I grab our small bag of stuff.

We talk while we walk to an entrance. Niall was waiting there for us with a guard, and we could see him start laughing as soon as we come into view. Nova flips him off and the guard hits his arm when he tries to do it back to her. I drop the bags and run up to him. Nova shouts in frustration and I jump into Niall's arms. We had gotten closer over the past few days, and I had visited him and Liam the day after Nova and I had the big talk.

"Hey Sage, I missed you" he says catching me.

"Hi Niall" Nova finally makes it too us.

I notice she hadn't bothered getting the bag I dropped so I go back and get it while she talks with Niall. When I get back they had moved away from the guard I now recognise as Paul who was watching them confused.

"Hi Paul"

"Hi Sage, how's the family going" he asks.

"Yeah I think I'm going to see my brother soon which is exciting. I haven't seen him or Gunner in such a long time, how about you what's going on in the family" I say nudging him.

"Not a lot, I do miss them but I'll get to see them soon enough but these boys are family as well you know" he says.

"Yeah, haven't even met most of them but I agree, where's Liam" I ask.

"I think he's in hair and makeup at the moment"

"Hey Paul Louis just texted asking where the water guns are" Niall says joining us again.

"You hid them again didn't you" he asks.

Niall nods like a little kid getting in trouble and Paul laughs.

"I'll protect you don't worry"

We follow the two of them through the hallways until we reach a dressing room. We could hear some angry shouting and someone trying to calm the person down. As soon as the door opens it goes silent and every head turns in our direction. I hide behind Paul seeing more people than I originally expected. Nova notices and takes the lead as Niall still hadn't said anything.

"I'm Nova Faith, Niall's told us some great things about you lot"

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