To LA I go- 4

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Picture is basically what the quadruplets look like. I was gonna put an actual photo of quadruplets but I couldn't find one that looked nice to fit the look I want for them.

"You're listed as Nova Faith's Emergency Contact..."


"What happened?" all the possible situations running through my head.

The woman tries to explain it but it was just white noise as all the memories of my time with her replay. I start to sob. All I could make out from what she was saying was that she was seriously injured.

"Wh-where is she?" I manage to ask.

The lady tells me the address and I groan. She was all the way in LA while I was in London. That was 11 hours on a plane, and I did not have the money for it.

"I'll try get there but I'm at college in London it might take a bit" I say.

"As long as you make it" she says then hangs up.

I slide down against the wall and just start crying. Well I cry worse because I had already been crying. Everything drops out of my hands onto the floor next to me and I grip my shirt, knuckles turning white.

"Nadia?" I look up.

There were three people in the building that called me that and only one was Irish.

"Nadia what happened?" he says crouching down in front of me.

"Nova. Hospital. LA." I gasp in between my sobs.

"Come on" He says.

He helps me up putting all my stuff in my bag. He guides me outside while I continued to sob and we get in a car. I look up as I feel his hands grab mine and pull them into his lap.

"Nadia I need you to take a deep breathe okay" he says calmly.

He brings my hand up to his chest and I take a deep breathe slowly getting it to match with the rise and fall of his chest.

"You're okay do you want me to take you back to your dorm room?" he asks.

I nod and give him the address. When the car pulls up I get out and he follows with his hood up. I go up the stairs to the third floor and then down the hall to the second last door. I fumble with my keys but my hands were shaking to much. Niall gently takes them from me and opens the door for me.

As expected when we walk in it was dark so I turn on the hallway light and walk through the kitchen to get to my room. Niall follows hesitantly and stops at the doorway.

"Why did you come with me?" I ask.

"You said your sister need help in LA. I don't want you to waist your college money so I'm going to help." he says "I'm supposed to go to LA in a few days anyway i'll just be going a little early if I help you"

I turn to him confused" Why would you help me?"

"You're smart and actually pay attention in class, you seem to have a future in this industry I just wanna make sure you get it" he says.

"You really think I have a shot?" I ask.

"As much as I did and that wasn't much you probably have more of a shot than me" he says.

We fall silent and I quickly pack as many clothes as I could fit in a small suitcase as well as the other necessities in my life. Including medication and different bits and bobs for my adhd. Once that was done I chuck another outfit in a carry on with a book and drinkbottle as well as my charger and laptop. I write out a note to my room mates and Niall helps me get everything down to the car. I sit in the back silently as he drives to a hotel.

"Stay here I'll be back in a second" he says and quickly runs inside.

I look out the window fiddling with my top while I wait. About 10 minutes later both Liam and Niall come out Niall with a suitcase and a bag. Liam opens the door and helps me get my stuff out the car.

"I have no idea what happened but if Niall's helping you I will to" he explains when he sees me watching him confused.

"I don't know why he is" I sigh.

A car pulls up and the driver puts our bags in the back. Liam says a few things to Niall then us two get in while Liam goes back inside the hotel. The car ride was silent and after Niall pays the driver we hurry inside the airport. Luckily it was before they were supposed to leave because I know how risky it is for me to be with him in case he gets spotted by fans or paparazzi. I zone out while we basically run through the airport and then we're seated on the plane. We were in business so there was slightly less people. Niall had tried to get first class but because it was last second all the seats were already taken. I start stressing more. The flight was around 11 hours and after we landed I still had to find accommodation then get to the hospital and by then anything could've happened to Nova.

I knew why I was her emergency contact. I was one of the only siblings without a kid and I would also be the most likely to drop anything to help one of them. We all used to have our Dad as our emergency contact but not after last time. There had been a huge car accident involving the twins and most of the nieces. He picked up responded, didn't tell Mum and didn't go to the hospital. Luckily Noor had been there volunteering, heard their names and was able to contact everyone about what happened and stayed there until Mum got there. I later found out he was cheating and had been drunk when the accident happened. Mum is still figuring out what to do and I was just glad I had got accepted to college and could move out.

I must of fallen asleep because when I open my eyes next and check the time there was only around 20 minutes until we landed. When there was 10 minutes to go Niall wakes up and catches me with 4 different activities going. I had a you tube video going, a book open that I was reading, I had my knitting out and then another book that I was jotting down the occasional song lyric when it came to me. He opens his mouth to say something but then decides better of it as he catches me waiting for whatever he had to say. I put everything away as the seatbelt sign comes on and the plane starts it descent.

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