Hospital one- 5

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Niall stays with me and helps me get everything up to a hotel room near the hospital. He offered to come with me to the hospital but I had to refuse. I had no idea how I would react and if it was bad I didn't want him to see me like that. I get an uber giving them the address to the hospital. He sighs and I could tell it wasn't the first time he had been told that address. It was only about a five minute drive probably less and I thank him quickly paying and running up the few steps. I basically sprint to the closest empty desk.

"Nova Faith please" I ask keeping my stress levels down as best I could.

I wait impatiently for her to get the room number and as soon as I hear it I sprint to the stairs. One thing about hating elevators is you didn't have to waist time waiting. It also meant I got to the third floor fairly quickly and a lot faster than someone that would of taken the elevator. I run down the hall as fast as I could while still being able to read the room numbers. I skid to a stop outside the door and completely freeze up. I back up against the wall opposite the door and slide down. I grab at my chest almost ripping my necklace off as I take a hold of it. I close my eyes and try to take deep breathes ignoring the fresh tears for now. I feel a hand on top of mine and open my eyes.

"Hey you're okay deep breathes focus on me only me okay. Breathe in... breathe out" the lady says.

I squeeze my eyes shut and copy what I hear as best as I could until I feel the panic subside slightly. I re-open my eyes and she smiles slightly.

"I'm Doctor Evans" she says helping me up.

"Nadia, Nadia Faith" I say hesitantly.

"Nova's twin yes I'm her doctor" she says.

"Quadruplet actually but yeah" I correct her politely.

"well your sisters asleep at the moment but you can go in if you want. She was in quite the car crash a few days ago." Doctor Evans says.

"Sorry I took so long, I was at school when I got the call and I was in Lon..." I say as she opens the door.

I don't finish my sentence as I see the amount of bruises and small cuts on my sister. She lay still on the bed her arm propped up in a cast.

"Fractured wrist, three broken ribs, a concussion, and a broken ankle but compared to the others in the accident she came out unscathed. Your sisters lucky to not have a punctured lung." Doctor Evans.

I sit on the couch next to the bed and look any where else but Nova. The wall behind her was a yellow colour and the couch I was sitting on was a sort of green colour. Doctor Evans leaves the room and I pull out my phone. I open my contacts and find the group chat for us quadruplets. I frown at the inactivity. The last message was a few weeks ago which was just to check if we were all alive. I had lost contact with everyone basically. I had left for college not on the greatest of terms and if you add to the factor of how busy we all were it was just too much work. I think about what to say then start to compose my text. I hit send and look up as I hear a small ding. I turn my phone off and move closer to the bed where I see Nova's phone. I pick it up and smile slightly at her lock screen. It was just us two probably when we were 11 and we were just being our normal goofy selves.

I start to cry and pick up her uninjured hand.

"God it's been so long Nova, I was gonna come visit for Christmas but then I got the call after class and Niall payed for my flight I don't even know why and now I'm here in LA. God please don't go Nova I need you." I mumble into her side. I drop her hand and sit back down on the couch. The jet lag and stress of the situation was catching up and I was exhausted.

I lean back and close my eyes. I don't fall asleep immediately a doctor coming in right before I was asleep. I listen to what he had to say trying to contain as much information as possible but really it was all slipping past me at the moment. When he leaves after taking some notes I collapse back down on to the couch and lean against the arm rest slightly. It takes a bit but eventually I enter a restless sleep full of strange dreams getting progressively worse outcomes in each scenario.

I had no idea what time it was when I woke up next. It was still dark outside and the halls were quiet. I sit up slightly and almost scream when I see a figure  on  the other side of the couch. I turn my phone flashlight on and frown slightly when I recognise Niall. He was asleep however and I wonder how he found what room I was in and why he was even here in the first place. I sit next to Nova and talk to her quietly about what my life had been like the past few months and ask her questions about her life even though I knew she wouldn't answer.

I sigh sadly and give her a small kiss, fixing her blanket I get up from the seat when a hand on my wrist stops me. I look down and Nova was giving me a pleading look. I collapse back down into the seat and just start sobbing uncontrollably. Eventually they subside and I fall asleep without being able to do anything more as the exhaustion takes over once again.

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