könig; you're stuck in a locker w him

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authored by @gogojogo

The intel mission went badly. You darted into one of the large metal lockers down the corridor and pulled König in with you. You were safe from the guards, but now you were caged inside the cramped locker with König . You wriggled for room as Konig’s virile scent from his sniper hood filled the tight space. "Scheiße, stop squirming!" König hissed, his blue eyes flashing red as he steadied you with his large hands.

"Calm down." König's behemoth figure and yours was a comical size difference.

Your chest is moving quickly due to the shaky breathing, and your ferocious gaze is fixed on his blue ones.

König noticed your haggard breathing and the fire of your fury eyes. The German operator looked down from his 6’10” frame towards you with a stern expression. A twinge of worry crossed his mind with the thought of your erratic breathing and emotion. König put his hands on your shoulders and said,"Hey. Relax. Calm down."

This allows you to close your eyes and take calm, deep breaths while concentrating on your breathing. "I just.. I really hate the feeling of being chased. Ironically." you are leaning back and attempting to hold back a laugh.

König couldn’t help but chuckle at your statement. "Hah, I suppose that is ironic. You don’t enjoy being caught, huh? No one wants to be." König sighed as he adjusted your position inside the locker. Your face fell against his broad chest as he put his heavy hands on your shoulders.

"You doing okay?"

"Yeah.. I guess we're here for a while." 

König nods his head and relaxes his grip on your shoulders. "Yeah, I suppose so. Sorry you’re in here with the big guy. Can’t be very comfortable."

"It's not your fault you're big." you became quiet at this point since you were embarrassed by your strange remark.

The two of you sat in silence for a few moments before König leaned in. You felt his breath from right above you as he spoke close to your ear." You know, I always felt sort of out of place growing up. Being the tallest person in school, having to slouch so I didn’t stand above everyone else. I always tried to act smaller and take up less space… so I do understand."

You attempt to meet his gaze at this point. All you need to do is keep making eye contact, knowing that he's open up to you. "You have to be smaller? For the sake of others?"

König nodded his massive head. His breath felt like warm air caressing your skin when he spoke. "Yes, I feel like I do. Even in the military, I still feel like I’m out of place because of my size. I do my best to make sure I fit in and don’t stand out too much. I suppose that’s why I wear the sniper hood all the time. Maybe you’re the first person I’ve been this open with in my whole life."

'I bet he would say sorry if he hit his head on the door frame or something'

"König, you should accept your natural traits. I mean, I kind of like you the way you are. You don't have to make changes for other people.

König was a bit taken aback by your comment. No one had ever complimented his size before. Especially since he was a bit self conscious about it. "Thanks," he said sheepishly.

"Most men my size are just arrogant assholes who use their size to scare others. I’ve just always been more introverted and preferred to go against what is normal. Maybe that’s why I like you. You also defy what is normal."


König chuckled and thought about the question. "Well, the ‘normal’ that people expect of you. To find a wife, have kids, buy a house, have a job that is boring and unfulfilling" he sighed. "I don’t know. I don’t like conforming. I’d rather just do my own thing. And it seems like you are like that too?"

"Oh.. I forgot we women have that stereotype against us." you appeared fairly taken aback as you considered this subject matter.

König laughed again at your reaction. He could tell he caught you off guard. "Well don’t worry. I know there’s a lot of pressure on women too. We all have certain expectations placed on us by society. And sometimes… it just gets a bit much. I understand that. So how does the ‘woman are expected to be married and have kids by such and such age’ thing make you feel?"

You remarked, "It makes me angry, I guess, and I think that's one of the reasons I'm in this field," as if the comment was irritating you in some way. " It's not because I don't want children; rather, I would prefer to go on my own pace."

It was good to see a fiery response coming from you." Good, get angry. That’s something I like to see. I want you to be free and do things on your own time. I don’t want anyone deciding who and when you should marry or when to have kids. If anyone tried to, I would rip their throat out." he chuckled.

"Maybe not like that, but I would protect you."

"You would protect me?"

König looked you in the eyes to show you that he was being completely serious. "Yes," he said in his strong and dominant accent. "You are so brave and beautiful. You are like no other woman I know. I cannot allow anyone harm to befall you."

"Aww König.. you're so cute." you lift your hand to nudge his nose, but because it's covered, you're not sure if you made contact.

His face melted when he felt your light tap on his nose. That was a gesture that he had never received from a woman before. Most women feared him because of his towering appearance. But you were different. König couldn’t help but grin as he felt your fingers caress the mask covering his nose. "Haha.. I’m not cute," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper.

"But you are though?"

König couldn’t contain his blush from hearing you call him cute. He couldn’t even remember the last time he felt butterflies in his stomach. You were starting to make him weak. "I’m not cute," he said with a smile that was slowly growing on his lips. "I’m a big manly soldier."

"Sure you are," you big softie.

Konig didn’t know whether or not he should be annoyed with you. Here he was acting like a total idiot around you. You made him feel things he never did around anyone else. Even though he was a man’s man, you could see a vulnerable side of him that you suspected no one else saw. He looked at you with a slight tinge of annoyance as he shifted his position to be closer towards you.

"Alright I won't tease you anymore.."

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