könig; part two

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authored by @gogojogo

You were good at teasing the soldier in him, and that was something he liked about you. "Oh no, you can tease me all you want. Let's just see who ends up teasing the other more." The giant leaned in closer until the two of you were inches away from one another. You could feel the heat of his body radiating onto yours, and from the heat of his breath on your face you were surprised he hadn't melted the locker around you. His hand rested near your waist as he looked into your eyes.

Taking up the challenge, you press your head on his chest and wrap your arms around his shoulder. "Let me lend this then."

The sudden intimacy took the soldier by surprise, but he quickly recovered and began to lean towards you more. Your arms around his shoulders and your head pressed against his chest made him want to pull you even closer and embrace." Hmm, this isn't so bad," he said with one arm wrapping around you more.

"Right? I loooove hugs. I don't get why people would always reject my hugs." you had a grimace look on your face while you were complaining.

"It's not like i don't have the tits."

König was taken aback by your words that came with a frown and a scrunched nose. But your last sentences caught him by surprise and snapped him out of his trance. "What did you say?" he asked with an expression of disbelief.

"Tits, I have big tits." you said casually.

König's face went bright red again. Your directness caught him off guard and he looked at you with a mixture of surprise, lust, and amusement. "Uh... yes you do," he said as he looked from your eyes to your chest before back again.

"How about you König? Do you have big tits too?"

Konig couldn't contain his laughter at your question. The soldier was completely taken aback by the thought of someone asking about his chest size. He chuckled until his laughter started to become contagious and he couldn't hold it back anymore. It seemed to turn into a mixture of a laugh and a cough with his chest rising and falling.

"What?? Im just curious!" a grin fixed on your face from witnessing his laughter.

As if, I know he's packed alright. He sounds handsome too gosh, i want to take a look at his face.

König continued to laugh before taking a moment to collect himself. "Why are you so curious about my chest?" he asked with a wry smile and a teasing tone.

"Well, I may have revealed a secret to you. Guys with huge tits appeal to me. Together, we would endure the hardships of having big tits and caring for the plump areas." you made a whispery gesture in his direction and said in a cunning way.

Konig laughed again and put one hand to his cheeks to steady himself. "That's... that's funny. But, um... well..." his laughter subsided as his face turned bright red again. With the way you were looking at him, he thought for a moment that the joke was about to go a different direction. Instead of responding, Konig suddenly moved to get even closer and leaned in.

Both your faces were inches from one another. You noticed a small smirk on his face as he raised his eyebrows and got one step closer before whispering into your ear, "I guess you're going to find out for yourself."

König grab you hands and guide it slowly towards his chest and let your palms rest there. You were getting flustered from his actions as you don't know what to do next.

The moment you placed your hand flat on his chest, he let out his breath. You knew the giant could feel your hand on his warm skin and you could feel his chest rise and fall with his heartbeat. König's head moved down as he looked you right in the eyes. "You know," he whispered, "I would really like to see those things that cause you so much problems."

You still have your eyes fixed on his chest, dazed now.


König laughed again as he pulled you closer towards him. Your chests were now so close you could feel the heat of his body. König put his lips onto the back of your hands and caressed them gently before moving them to the front. "That's not the problem I was talking about," he said, his voice getting raspy and deep. He lifted your hands up to his chest and kept them there. "I was referring to your chest. I want to see them."

"S-see them??" his comment alarmed you, so you impulsively used both hands to squeeze his breast pecs.

König shivered when he felt the squeeze of your hands press up against his pecs. He was shocked by your action and how bold you were by doing so. His breath hitched and he looked at you with surprised eyes as your hands felt his hard muscles. He let out a chuckle, his deep raspy voice filling the small locker. "You're quite... handsy aren't you?" He said with a chuckle and a sly grin.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" You lowered your hands since you couldn't find where to put them anymore and were becoming more agitated because you couldn't figure out where to look at this point.

König noticed that your hands dropped after you squeezed his pecs. He chuckled again, your shy and embarrassed behavior was very charming to him. He tilted his head towards your face and started to lean towards you again. "Don't be sorry," he said softly. He saw the look of confusion on your face and the way you were blushing. Konig couldn't help but think about how sweet and innocent you looked in that moment. He leaned towards you again and began to get even closer.

"Well.. you clearly have nice tits König." you muttered softly, and the way your legs shaking indicated that you were nervous based on your previous action. Your eyes were blinking faster than before, and you could feel the heat rising up in your ears.

König chuckled at your comment. It was an unexpected reply that he definitely didn't expect. The giant was amused at you feeling up his pecs and then referring to them as 'tits'. It caught him off guard because the soldier never knew someone could be so blunt and honest with him. He smiled at your comment and lifted your hands up and put them back on his pecs. He then leaned his head more towards yours until you were inches apart. He was starting to wonder if you've ever kissed anyone before.

Now when his blue eyes are in connect with your doe eyes, you can't resist blurting out.

"You want to touch mine?"

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