miguel ohara; part one

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"Are you going to just stare at me or get to filing those reports."

It comes to your attention that your colleague may be the vigilante the media is most interested in, when he comes into work with a cut on his cheek, in the same place the vigilante got hurt the previous night after saving you from criminals

But all you do is stare at him.

Your colleague raises an eyebrow.

"The look of a man who has something to say, but not the courage to say it."

Finally you took of your eyes of him and smiled at him. "Eye-contact is already a part of communication Miguel.. It is up to you if you can pick it up or not."

He squints, clearly unenthused by your comment.

"Maybe I like making people squirm under my constant scrutiny. Ever think of that?"

"Sure, noted. I'm just under pressure that's all. A few criminals got up to me past few days."

"Don't you think I'm under pressure?" he glares at you, his expression hard.

"I could only imagine the hell I'd go through if I have to submit all of these reports by tomorrow."

He gestures around with his arm, indicating the paperwork.

You rolled your eyes. "Let's just get to work."

"Don't roll your eyes at me.."

He snarls and turns away.

"Oh, you noticed that?" you mumbled to yourself.

"And don't mumble to yourself, either. I could hear that."

He doesn't turn back to look at you. He remains facing his computer, tapping his fingers against the desk impatiently.

You made a choking motion behind his back out of frustration. Gosh, he needs to chill the fuck out.

"Are you seriously want to argue again?"

He looks at you and gives you a stare that's impossible to miss, despite the fact he's at his computer desk.

"I'm trying to focus. You need to stop." he turns back to his computer screen, starting to type again.

You decided to just turn on your computer and do your work.

You flinched a little as you laid your arm on your thigh and wondered why it hurt. When you pulled the skirt just enough to see, you noticed there are purple, black marks and your face churns reminded of what happened the other night.

He glances over again, he raises an eyebrow.

"What the hell happened to your leg?"

Feeling ticked off you turn to him.

"How the hell you noticed everything?" you turn back to your computer and proceed to complete your report.

"You really think I can't see you in this small ass office?"

He looks over again.

"Are you seriously going to ignore the question? What the hell happened to your leg."

sighing "Like I said, criminals got up to me recently."

You were pressing your lips in a straight line while you were still composing your report, holding your feelings that he didn't hear the first time you mention it.

"What kind of criminals? Humans? Vampires? Werewolves?" he leans over your shoulder now, he looks at your computer. You can practically feel the heat of his breath in your ear.

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