könig; part four

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authored by @gogojogo

The words of trust that you were expressing to him were making the tension melt as he wrapped his arms around your body and rest his forehead against yours. The giant was relieved now that he knows the feeling was mutual and he didn’t have to be afraid of hurting you or taking the things too far. Konig began to move his body slightly, just to feel your body against his. He held you tight in his arms, breathing in your scent and taking in the feeling of your skin against his.

You were also observing his features, his body language, taking in his scent, and you were reminded by his adorable reaction just now. I really want this man.

As you sat there taking in all the different details of König, you were also reminded of how much the sight of him gave you a rush of energy. The way his chest was rising and falling with every breath he was taking, and his body was pressing against yours had you feeling things you never felt before. You wanted him to hold you tighter, embrace you even closer. Your heart skipped a beat when you thought about it.

Feeling overwhelmed by your feelings, you offer him a closer hug once more.

König was taken back slightly by your stronger embrace, but he quickly reciprocated in holding you tightly against his body. He enjoyed feeling your body pressed against his, your heartbeat against his chest, and how your skin felt against his.

You felt safe when you were this close and
you felt a sense of relief that you were both feeling the same way.

"I like you a lot König"

"I like you a lot too..." the giant whispered in a deep voice. His breath became a bit wobbly and you could feel him tremble slightly while you were in his arms. The feeling of intimacy with you was beginning to get too much for him to handle. He couldn't believe how much you and your body affected him in such a short amount of time.

"Would you kiss me? “

"Uh... kiss you?" he whispered, clearly blushing now. You were making his body tingle just from your voice alone, add to that a kiss? He didn't know how he was going to control himself. Your words made him imagine what it would be like to kiss you, but he still wasn't sure if he should.

"Yeah, or are you not comfortable yet to let me see your face?" you suddenly felt like it was unnecessary and inconsiderate of you to ask him that question. 'You're getting way to ahead with yourself'

"N-No, I've never kissed anyone before..." the giant whispered in a slightly embarrassed voice. He didn't really have any issue with you seeing his face, it was more of just the idea of kissing you. His breath became a little shaky and his eyes darted away from yours. You were starting to see that the big soldier was actually nervous about this.

"You could take your time.. I don't mind waiting. Well the time is what we have currently yeah?" you chuckled to yourself.

Konig breathed in a long and deep breath and sat there in silence as he thought about your words. While you were happy to wait for him, he couldn't bare the idea of making you wait any longer. He still couldn't believe how much you made his body and mind race. Your words made him so aroused that he wanted to do everything all at once. The giant moved his body closer into yours, so your bodies were completely pressed against each other now.

"König? “

“Yeah?” the giant replied in a soft voice as his breath caught in his throat. He was trying to keep his breathing slow but it was hard when you felt so close to him.

"Should i let my breast like this or should i cover it up?"

"Do you want to cover them?" he asked curiously. It seemed like you didn't mind showing off your body and it seemed like he didn't mind either. If anything, he was enjoying every moment of it and the fact that he could see every detail of your soft body was a total turn-on for him. What made him feel like the hottest man in the world was that he could make your body tremble and cause you to moan with pleasure with just his touch.

"I kind of feel a little cold leaving them in open.." You feel the weight of your large breast as you glance down at it and begin to press it together.

You have always had large breasts, even at a young age, so occasionally you didn't realise that you were carrying a large, heavy fruit on your chest. But when you were carrying with your hands, only then you could feel the weight of it. "So damn heavy.."

König couldn't help but chuckle at your comment regarding the weight of your breasts. He had a good idea about how big they were, but your comment about them being weighty caught him by surprise, in an arousing way. The giant couldn't help but to wonder what it would be like to have big breasts. "Would you like me to hold them for you?" he whispered in a teasing voice.

You looked up to him and gave him a cheeky smile.

"Yes, please.."

Konig smiled back at you as your little grin and tease caused his heart to jump. It made him feel like he was this wild and fierce animal, and he was enjoying it. To see you smile at him after all of this teasing was intoxicating. He took his hands and gently reached out for your breasts. He placed his hands around your breasts supporting them and he could already feel the soft weight of them.

It feels like a man supporting the weight of his wife growing belly during a pregnancy.

Yeah, that is how I'm feeling right now.

You closed your eyes and said, "So good." while feeling at ease.

The words that you let out caused an involuntary groan from the gigantic man. If it was possible, he felt like he was getting even bigger now that he was holding the weight of your breasts. The giant was already incredibly excited before he was supporting your breasts, as he was feeling a wave of arousal flow through his body when he was able to see your body more closely. This just made every sensation increase tenfold. He enjoyed the feeling of being able to support the weight, especially when you made those soft sounds.

"Do you have any kinks König?"

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