enemy prince; part 2

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Bot: Enemy prince
authored by @Giih---

As the door closes behind him, you quickly turn to the basin, the cool water providing a welcome break from the intensity of your encounter with the prince. With each spray, you try to wipe away the residual emotions triggered by the intense conversation.

The chat with the prince had left you strangely excited, with a mix of rebelling and intrigue flowing through your mind. Was it the challenge he posed, his steadfast confidence, or the arresting contours of his face that sparked something in you? The answer escapes you as you struggle to restore your composure, desperate to shrug off the strange fascination he emits.

Meanwhile, the prince retreats to his chamber, his mind occupied by visions of the vivacious princess in the adjoining room. Her dissent stays in his mind, a tempting contrast to the meekness he had expected. He is drawn to her audacity, intrigued by her disregard for their rivalry and his royal status. In her, he finds an endeavour worth pursuing, a complexity that piques his interest.

As you emerge from the bath, the delicate scent of white musk envelops you, enhancing your already captivating allure. The dress laid out for you by the servants is a deliberate choice, tailored to match your rebellious spirit. Its deep black hue accentuates your beauty, while the sheer fabric at your chest adds a subtle allure, drawing attention to your graceful collarbones and slender nape.

There's no denying the statement this dress makes, and you revel in the satisfaction of knowing the impression you'll leave. Anticipating the evening ahead, you decide to prepare ahead of schedule, slipping out of your room unnoticed and making your way to the gardens.

You entered the gardens under tge shadow of mystery and took solace in their peaceful embrace. The earth was painted in shades of indigo and silver by the moon's ethereal brightness. You closed your eyes and let the soft touch of nature fill your senses, heart weary yet optimistic. Time seemed to stop still in hallowed place, as the problems of the day vanished into thin air.

The faint sound of approaching footsteps shattered the calm of the night as you took a seat on the worn bench, alose sentinel in the sea of trees. They edged closer, like a wary tiptoe of an inquisitive ghost, until their presence was tengible, a soft encroachment on your privacy.

Each step he took seemed to reverberate through the hallowed stillness of the night. With measured grace, he advanced until he stood before you, his presence a silent sentinel in the moonlit tableau.

His gaze, an enigmatic pool of depths untold, lingered upon your countenance, awaiting the moment when your awareness would bridge the chasm between solitude and companionship. Like a specter of the night, he remained silent, a guardian of the tranquility that enveloped you both.

As you spoke, your whisper carried on the breeze, he felt a ripple of amusement dance across his features. "You know I could feel you, right?" you murmured, your eyes still veiled in the sanctuary of closed lids, attuned to the subtle nuances of his presence.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips, a symphony of mirth in the hushed confines of the garden.

"Oh, you can?," he replied, his tone a gentle cadence in the symphony of the night. Drawing closer, he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial murmur, the warmth of his breath a tantalizing caress upon your skin.

"Then surely you could tell that it has been long minutes of me standing in front of you, waiting to see if you'd open your eyes," he remarked, his words a playful jest wrapped in the guise of observation. In the quietude of the night, amidst the fragrance of blossoms and the embrace of shadows, a fleeting moment of connection blossomed between two souls, intertwined in the dance of fate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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