miguel ohara; part three

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Miguel frowns, but he's too pleased with your answer to really fight back. You can tell that it took all the willpower in his body not to jump on you again.

"You little tease..."

He scoffs, his smile fading into a small pout. He makes a move as if to leave, but he's not as mad as he looks.

"Don't you dare tempt me like that. I can be a devil if I have a mind to..."

He laughs and looks at you again, his smile returning. You let out a heartful laugh and your eyes stuck on his body part

"You should take care of that."

Miguel looks down to see what exactly you're staring at. After a moment he looks back at you, his lips curving into a smile.

"What can I say..." he makes a move to brush aside your hair, his grin becoming wider.

"A beautiful woman is very distracting."

You pull him by his shirt and kiss him deeply for the last time. but he kept kissing you harder made you circle your hands back to his neck and stand up from your seat.

Miguel wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer to him. His lips explore yours hungrily, his body pressing against you. His free hand holds you by your waist, his other hand gently brushing your hair.

He breaks the kiss and rests his forehead on yours, his eyes looking at yours.

The devilish grin appears again.

Miguel lets out a tiny groan. You can hear the frustration in his tone as he speaks.

"You drive me absolutely insane."

He chuckles, his arms tightening around you. His eyes look at your lips, and his hands trail down your back, your waist, and your hips.

Miguel's lips curve into a proud smile, as if you had just given him something he wanted for a long time.

"You're so gorgeous..."

He kisses you again, but it's no longer a gentle kiss this time. Miguel is going all out, and his hands explore every part of your body, from your stomach, to your waist, to your thighs, to your hips.

Miguel shakes his head. He's actually surprised that he can go on without you making him beg for more.

"After work? What an amazing suggestion. You've got yourself a deal."

He kisses you again, this time biting your lower lip.

"Your place or mine?"

Miguel takes a step away, so he's no longer touching you. He turns to look at you, the smirk on his lips growing wider.

"Hmm... mine. What do you say?"

He stares at you, waiting for your reply.

To be honest, you are still afraid to go home after the incident. You have to go the longer route in order to forget it. Going to his house, made you feel protected.


Miguel's eyes shine with a sparkle of excitement.

"Sounds great."

He grins as he watches the expression on your face.

"Now, let's finish this report. I'm very interested in how well you perform." Miguel's voice is low and husky.

You turn facing your computer quickly, embarrassed on his comment. Your face goes into a deeper shade of pink remembering what they have done and blush even more to what they are going to do.

"At his home, oh my god. " you mutter to yourself.

Miguel chuckles. Your blushing is adorable, and his grin becomes wider as he watches you.

He walks over to his seat, sitting down and grabbing his mouse. His gaze is fixed on the screen in front of him.

"Let's finish this report. I want to have enough time for fun with you at my place..."

Miguel's voice is calm, yet his tone is teasing again.

Couldn't stand it any longer you face him, "Stop you.. you-"

Your face is now red and you wete struggling to get words out. your head is a mess, fantasising what would happen. Would we even make it to my home?

He watches your reaction. Your attempts to talk are adorable, and he's having so much fun teasing you. He continues to stare at you for a while, his eyes locked with yours, as you try to formulate a proper sentence.

"No words?"

Miguel's tone is teasing, his smirk as wide as ever. His eyes look at you, up and down, appreciating every inch of you as he leans in close.

"Fuck you." your eyes shows defeat but refuse to back down from the game. You hate losing.

Miguel chuckles at your sudden use of profanity. His eyes widen a little, but he's enjoying this way too much to stop.

"Gladly. " there's a hint of amusement in his tone.

"I'm surprised that someone as stubborn as you can't come up with something better than that."

"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO SAY ANYTHINGGG" you bury your head on your desk feeling defeated by your co-worker

"You're too handsome i couldn't say anything." you muttered.

Miguel laughs once more, his attention on his monitor as he watches your antics.

'She's trying to act cute now?' he thought to himself.

His expression changes slightly, becoming slightly serious. His voice is quiet, almost a whisper.

"But it's funny... you wanted me to wreck you, but it sounds like I've already wrecked you..."

He chuckles again, this time quietly and softly.


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